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Race #11 - FCR Championship at Eddie’s Slot Car World

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#1 Randy Tragni

Randy Tragni

    On The Lead Lap

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Posted 22 November 2011 - 11:00 PM

Race #11 of the 2011 FCR Championship at Eddie’s Slot Car World.

Randy Tragni is the 2011 ESCW FCR Champion! After a hard fought season with much competition.

Randy also took a decisive win in this second to the last race of the season against a fierce group of competitors at Eddie’s. The win gave Randy more than enough points than he needed to lock up the championship once and for all.

Tom Joseph came in 2nd in the race to lock up second place in the Championship. 3rd place in the championship is still open.

Six racers rocked and rolled on the track for race 11 of the FCR Championship. What a blast. Starting the race action was a huge pile up coming down the main straight. Tom and Randy tangled. Randy’s car went belly up and over sailed Uncle Gary’s car and into the hole by the batteries. The race was stopped so the competitors could recover from uncontrollable laughter.
As the race progressed the group focused and most of the mayhem subsided.
Randy kept clean and ticked off laps while being hotly pursued by his competitors.
Tom brought on a number of competitive laps in a late attempt to pull the win from Randy, all to no avail!
Randy also did a blistering hot lap (for an FCR car that is) of 5.819 on green and also completed a total of 231 laps. Tom completed a tight 226 laps while Durl took 3rd place and completed 222 laps. All pretty close racing.
Rounding out the field were regulars Sam Rock (using the Tragni Tune Monte Carlo with 219 laps), Wolf Immel (217 laps) and Uncle Gary Hoehn (209 laps).

Thanks to Lisa Immel for running race command while Eddie and Janet Wong turn marshaled.

Points are awarded to the first six finishers:
10 points for first place, 8 points for second, 6 points for third, 4 points for fourth, 2 points for fifth, 1 points for sixth.

The Championship:
Randy Tragni wins the championship with 74 (+10) points, 1st.

Tom Joseph with 53 points (+8), 2nd

Sam Rock with 31 points (+4)
Gary Klobas with 23 points (no change)
Uncle Gary Hoehn with 22 points (+1)
Racer X (aka Calvin) with 22 points (no change)
Chris Chakires with 20 points (no change).
Gary Hooks with 20 points (+10)
Captain Ernie Koepf with 16 points (no change)
Wolf Immel with 16 points (+2)
Daryl “Durl” Vance with 14 points (+6)
Randy Keil with 12 points (+4)
Craig On with 2 points (no change)

Next Race is, December 18th at Eddie’s.








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