This project started as a Monogram 1/32 scale Dodge Charger. These little kits are packed with detail and build up into a very nice model. I'm not sure how many other kits were in the series, but would like to know and what the subjects were if anyone knows.
It was originally built in about 2000. There was a 1/32 Drag race coming up and I needed a car to compete.
Color is Pactra Teal for polycarbonate. Yes, you can use lexan body paint on hardbodys. as long as you use a good primer first. It was top coated with Testor's Glosscote. The chrome and details were covered with Bare Metal Foil.
Interior is the kit interior with the bottom half cut off just below the dash, a sheet of styrene glued on and a cut down lexan driver. The engine detail is all part of the kit, all you need to do is detail paint the top half after you cut in two to clear the guide and frame. The kit wheels fit beautifully into cut down rims. I don't remember what brand or size they were but thinking they had 1/2" hubs.
The frame is made from an REH motor bracket, Slick 7 guide tongue, and K&S brass and wire. The rear body mount is a loop of .063 wire that is cradled in a C-channel glued to the body that was made from made from 1/8" square tube with one side cut open.