It came out about the time I was racing 4.5" Nastrucks, and it struck me as one of those kits that made you say, "why not make it a slot car!" Built it as a Novelty just for the heck of it.
Mind you, the Rockabilly craze was not as popular back then, and the model was a little more "fresh" in concept.

It was painted Hot Rod Gray with a mix of black and white Floquil Railroad colors,. I like this paint because it really bites into the plastic, but does no harm. It also drys thin and doesn't hide any details. The Custom parts were all from the kit, including the T-Bird engine, Covico Steering wheel and Skull shift knob. It features a full interior, and by cutting the bottom half of the seat out, it clears the big 36D Bobcat with no problem.
The chassis is a space frame design made from a 36D motor bracket of unknown mfr, Slick 7 guide tongue , and K&S brass wire and sheet.
The body mounting in the rear is a single loop of .063 that is cradled in a "C" channel made from 1/8" round tubing epoxied onto the underside of the bed. A single screw in the front threads into a block of Poplar wood epoxied into the bottom half of the engine block.
The wheels were made using some ProTrack tires with .700 hubs. The kit wheels fit into them perfectly, only a small drop of CA glue was needed to hold them snug.They were cut down and trimmed to shape on a tire truer. The whitewalls were added by running the tire at a slow speed, then holding a paintbrush filled with white Tamiya acrylic paint to them.

It has never hit the track for fear of traction compound staining the paint, and so I've not soldered on the lead wires as yet.
Thanks for checking it out, hope you enjoy it.