I've spent a couple of hours searching for detailed technical instructions on how to build your own wire wound hand controller external choke, the type of choke you connect the hand controller's white wire to (I hope I described it correctly?!) I was only able to find tidbits of info.
One suggestion was to use magnet wire wrapped around a copper or aluminum tube because it would help dissapate heat. Another was to use 20 gauge silicone wrapped wire around a 1/2" O.D. core and mounted on a non conductive plate.
If you have built your own or know exactly how to, I'm asking for help please, with complete instructions (e.g.,start to finish, type of wire, diamter of core and type of material, how do you figure out the wire length of each pole etc.,. .,) on building my own wire wound choke. Pictures would be great please.
Can anyone assist me please?
Thank you for your time.
How to build your own controller choke
Started by
, Mar 05 2012 04:00 AM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 05 March 2012 - 04:00 AM
Ernie Layacan
Posted 05 March 2012 - 07:17 AM
![Posted Image](
Innards of my choke, 1 mm copper wire wound on thick walled anodized alu tube. All joints with comm solder; 12V cooler which isn't really needed. Two foot steps 0 - 16 + 20 and 25 feet.
Pekka Sippola
Posted 05 March 2012 - 12:02 PM
Thanks for posting the picture, Zipper!
Ernie Layacan