I'm curious. How many retro racers did you start with a year ago and how many do you have now? The race pictures seem to have more and more people in them with each passing event.
Tokyo D3 had its first race(Can-Am only) in February, last year, when we had 11 turn-outs & a race director Mickeyzo.
The twenty racers have raced in our racing program until now.
Presently, around 15 active racers come to race at our monthly race.
3 more new racers, who have appeared at our practice meeting, will participate in their first race next week.
Until very recently, we have't promoted our racing program publicly.
Now, however, we have our Facebook page & our web-site, tokyod3.com, for the public.
Two experienced racers have showed up at my raceway thanks to this PR.
Our goal for this year is to have 24 active racers, with enough turn-outs to have A & B mains at every monthly Can-Am & F-1 race.
Tokyo D3 is still a closed club, not a full commercial raceway and our priority is more on the quality of racing community.
We try our best to develop retro racing program full of competition, excitement, fun and friendship.
Keep racing,