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SCRRA 2015 rules & regulations, revised 2021

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#1 TSR


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Posted 27 April 2012 - 11:16 AM

Southern California Retro Racing Association (SCRRA)
This informal association is run by a five-member Board of Advisers.
To provide fun and low-pressure racing, using scratch-built slot cars reflecting the spirit of the mid-1960s racing era, with scale realism and low cost. Any personally-built or commercially available scratch-built chassis conforming to the following specification is allowed.

SCRRA 2014/2021 Car Construction Regulations

Retro Can-Am regulations (version V1, 2012-08-12)

CA1. Chassis dimensions
CA1a. Maximum overall chassis and tire width: 3.125" measured across any part of the chassis.
CA1b. Minimum clearance: 0.050 at all points under the chassis rearwards of the center line of the rear axle and 0.015 under the most forward part of the chassis.
CA1c. No part of the chassis may droop at any point between its front and rear edges.
CA1d. No part of the chassis structure protrusions behind the rear axle may exceed 1"  from axle center when viewed from the top.

CA2. Chassis construction
CA2a. Materials: Brass sheet, rod and tubing, steel wire, and guide tongues are allowed. Other than flat guide tongues, stamped steel parts, EDM or laser-cut parts of any material are not allowed unless submitted by the manufacturer and approved by the SCRRA board.   Stamped steel guide tongues no longer than 1 1/2" and no wider than 1" are allowed.  Maximum solid wire diameter used in any part of the chassis construction is 1/8". The use of components removed from flexi car chassis's are not allowed with the exception of the stamped guide tongues.

CA2b. Inline drive only, with the motor on center and shaft at 90 degrees to the rear axle as seen from above. A one-piece, at least three-sided brass-sheet motor bracket forming the rear axle carrier is mandatory. Motors may be soldered in.
CA2c. All hinged movements must be oriented in only one direction. Center-line hinges are not allowed.
No chassis movement, dynamic or induced, may extend the overall chassis width to more than 3.125".
CA2d. Axles: Both axles must be of solid 3/32" minimum diameter steel rod. A single straight, one-piece front axle is required, carrying both front wheels. The axle may be fixed or in a tube. Flats can only be ground on axles for wheels or gear setscrews.
CA2e: Guide flag must be centered on the longitudinal axis of the chassis. No sideways "free float" or offset is allowed. Guide flags must be made entirely of plastic with the exception of a straight metal pin that acts as a post reinforcement. Metal inserts that act as weight are not legal. Guide blades can be no longer than 1.100", no wider than .080, and no deeper than  5/16"   (.312).

CA2f: Front-axle holder construction:
Uprights fitting inside slots cut in the chassis by any process are not allowed, but if an obvious effort has been made to construct something beyond the tab in slot assembly a consideration will be made. Vertical sheet-brass pillow block uprights may be soldered to the sides of the main part of the chassis that holds the guide tongue, again if an obvious effort has been made at reinforcement.  No flat, stand alone, vertical, sheet metal pillow blocks or tabs are allowed.

CA3. Motor
CA3a. Unopened, unmodified TSR,  Falcon 7 or Hawk Retro.  The Eagle Retro, Mid America Road Runner and the CR102 are now allowed only on the King Track. Factory markings and labels must be retained on the motor.
Exclusion clause: Clear violation of motor-tampering rule will result in immediate disqualification and a minimum 3 months suspension.

CA4. Body rules
CA4a. Only bodies listed on the SCRRA approved listing may be used. To be approved, bodies must be originals or reproductions of approximately 1970 Can-Am or Sports/GT bodies by Russkit, MAC, Lancer, Associated, Dynamic etc. or from new molds made in the spirit of the period bodies. All bodies must be submitted by the manufacturer to the SCRRA Board of Advisers to be approved according to length, width and height and an emphasis will be placed on limiting aerodynamic down force.

Bodies with molded-in cockpits are not allowed. Front and rear wheel arches must be cut out.
No visual obstruction of any kind across either front or rear wheels must be seen when viewing the car from its sides. Bodies must be presentably painted and carry at least three racing numbers, one on each side and one on front. No part of the chassis or tires may be seen when looking at the car from its top. Bodies must be molded from material with a minimum thickness of 0.010".  Forward of the rear axle bodies must be trimmed and mounted following their marked trim lines and the front grill area must retain a minimum of 1/16 vertical edge except for approved TI22 models which must retain their sharp edge front trim line. Behind the rear axle, bodies may be trimmed as necessary for rear tire clearance. All bodies in all classes must remain completely intact when viewed from the top. Scoops, intakes and ducts may be cut out following their lines of definition. Rear spoilers can be no wider than the body and the only bend allowed will be laterally across where it is attached to the body.  Can Am bodies must also meet a minimum weight of 5.5 grams and tape will be added as necessary at tech to meet this requirement. Bodies will be weighed with interiors and without pins or clips.



CA4b. Cockpits must be fully opened following the natural line of the windscreen and windscreens to remain clear. A separate interior molding including a3-D driver figure painted in at least 2 colors must be fitted and the drivers head must be no lower than the surrounding bodywork or windscreen.
CA4c. Dimensions:

CA5. Tires
5a.Front tires minimum dimensions:0.75 X 0.225
5b. Rear tires minimum diameter: 0.812. Maximum width: 0.812"
5c. The use of any tires that may adversely affect track conditions (such as but not limited to, so-called "speed rubber") is expressly forbidden and a cause for immediate exclusion. Tires coated with silicone or similar substances are illegal.

Retro Coupe regulations (version V1, 2012-06-13)
PLEASE NOTE: A spoiler can be added to the back of the body no longer than 1/2" and no wider than the body. Maximum height of body 1 1/4" and maximum overall body and spoiler height 1 3/4"

Please refer to the SCRRA Can Am rules for all specification, except for the following:

RC-1. Chassis construction
RC-1a. Drive type: open to the imagination.
RC-1b. Hinged movements in any direction are allowed.
RC-1c. Rear axle for sidewinder or angle-winder construction: two methods are allowed:
1/ An axle tube of constant diameter capturing the axle bearings. The axle tube may be notched for motor clearance. This axle tube must be held by the steel, bronze or brass-wire main rails.
2/ The bearings are set in a one-piece formed sheet brass bracket that may also hold a bolt-on motor bracket soldered to the base of the main rails.

RC-1d, Rear axle for inline configuration must follow that of Retro Can Am regulations. NOTE: The use of Retro Can Am chassis with an approved coupe body is allowed.

Retro F1 regulations (version V1, 2012-04-03)

Please refer to the SCRRA Can Am rules for all specification, except for the following additions:

F1-1. Chassis dimensions & construction
F1-1a. Maximum chassis Width: 1-5/8" measured across any part of the chassis.
Exception: the front axle may be supported by extensions of steel wire or brass plate of which triangular structure may not exceed ¾ width at their point of contact with the chassis, and ¼ at their outside edge.




F1-1b. Maximum overall car width: 3.250" measured across front and rear axle.
F1-1c   Minimum rear tire diameter .790. Minimum rear chassis clearance .040.

F1-2. Body rules
All SCRRA Can Am body rules apply except:
F1-2a. Bodies must be originals or exact reproductions of approximately 1970 F1 or Indy car bodies by Russkit, MAC, Lancer, Associated, Dynamic etc. or from new molds made in the spirit of the period bodies.
F1-2b. Maximum body length: 6-1/2". No added air control devices are permitted. Bodies with rear wings are allowed end fences of no more the 1/2".
F1-2c. Maximum body height from ground: 1 3/8"

F1-2d.  Front wings on F1 bodies may be trimmed or completely removed

RetroPro regulations (version V1, 2012-04-03)

Please refer to the SCRRA Can Am rules for all specification, except for the following:

RP-1. Chassis construction

RP-1a. Drive type: open to the imagination.
RP-1b. Hinged movements in any direction are allowed.
RP-1c. A single straight, one-piece front axle of a minimum 1/16" diameter is required, carrying both front wheels. NO hinged front wheel movements are allowed (i.e. no "L" arms). Front wheels may rotate independently.
RP-1d. Rear axle: two methods are allowed:
1/  A 7/32 diameter one piece brass tube that retains the bearings. A notch for motor clearance is allowed and can be no deeper than the centerline of the axle and may not extend fully to either side. If such a tube is incorporated any means to support it or the motor may be used.
2/  A 3 sided sheet brass bracket with a minimum thickness of .032 that supports the bearings and the motor. It may be constructed of either 1 or 2 pieces. The rear leg that connects the bearing supports must be a minimum of .250 in height. If made in 2 pieces they must be fully connected.

   Flat sheet metal, stand alone, vertical pillow blocks for axle support are prohibited.

RP-2 Tires & Clearances
RP-2a. Minimum Rear Tire diameter: 0.790"
RP-2b. Minimum Front Tire width: 0.063". O-ring tires allowed. Minimum Front Tire diameter .600
RP-2c. Minimum clearance: 0.040 at all points under the chassis rearwards of the center line of the rear axle and 0.015 under the most forward part of the chassis.

RP-3. Body rules
All SCRRA Can Am body rules apply except:
RP-3a. Bodies must be originals or exact reproductions of pre-1974 Can-Am or Sports/GT pro-racing bodies by MAC, Associated, Dynamic etc. or from new molds made in the spirit of the period bodies
. A rear spoiler is allowed with a maximum length of 1/2".
 Rear spoilers can be no wider than the body and the only bend allowed will be laterally across where it is attached to the body. Maximum overall body height including spoiler is 2". Maximum overall body length including spoiler is 7". Front fender wells may remain intact and uncut for added strength provided they are masked during paint and remain clear with the front wheels visible when viewed from the side.  Slight trimming of the body beyond the cut line at the front outside corners is allowed to correct natural drooping, only as illustrated below:




Body reinforcing material may be fitted under the body and attached with clear tape and/or staples. No reinforcing material may be visible from the top of the body except as illustrated below:




RP-4. Motor rule
RP-4a. Motor type: Pro Slot PS4002. Modifications allowed and limited to:
-Fitting of screws to hold end bell to can, installation of ball bearings and shunt wires. Magnets MUST remain stock items. Magnets may be shimmed and glued to can. Can may be trimmed at rear side's corner to clear the rear axle. Can's nose may be trimmed to clear chassis rails.
-Allowed armatures: Pro-Slot X12 or lesser armatures (I.E. "Puppy Dog", "Big Dog"...). Minimum armature diameter: 0.512". Minimum stack length: 0.350"
-Any Pro Slot endbell hardware that is compatible with the PS4002 is legal.

Please note: ANY legal Retro Can-Am car may be used to compete in a Retro Pro racing event.

Retro 1/32 regulations (version V1, 2012-06-13)


In all classes the maximum body and spoiler height will be measured with the car on the test block.
Anything not specifically defined or any issues or disputes will be handled in a reasonable manner by the SCRRA as deemed necessary.
The legality of any given car is decided by the tech inspector and/or by one of the SCRRA board of advisers members and their decision is final.

SCRRA Racing Regulations
Every effort to keep the posted racing schedule for each event will be followed as closely as possible and at the discretion of the race director.

Racing day
SCRRA racing begins its events by an analysis of the selected track. If track conditions are deemed to be acceptable, no track cleaning will ensue for the entire day of racing. If track conditions leftover by a previous day of racing are deemed unsuitable, complete track cleaning performed by raceway personnel (please volunteer to help for this chore), will be performed, followed by track preparation with spray glue and lane break-in by a volunteer. Practice may then begin.

When the day begins...
Practice procedures

In case of a waiting situation during practice, where racers cannot obtain the use of a lane on the selected track, only the cars for the class to be raced next are allowed to practice. Racers may not "hog" a lane, and in case of other racers waiting to practice, any racer leaving the track must remove his controller by simple courtesy to others. If a racer fails to remove his controller when leaving a lane, it is fair game for any racer to remove a controller from a lane vacated by a racer, so as to begin practicing on any given lane.

Tech inspection
Tech inspection is performed by an SCRRA designated inspector. In case of a protest, a decision on outcome is made by the race director or an SCRRA Board of Advisers member in attendance. His decision is final.
All cars must be ready to qualify (meaning, properly prepped and lubricated) before they are are impounded after tech inspection and cannot be handled by the racers until their qualifying begins on the clock, after which they immediately return to impound.

Race qualifying
Qualifying for all classes will be performed individually by each racer over one minute on a selected lane, with the fastest time and a back up time selecting the order in which the racers are set in various races..
Each car will be taken from impound by the next racer in line and immediately placed on track. No additional preparation before qualifying is permitted except for oiling, at driver's station.
If for ANY reason, a racer fails to submit his car in time when tech inspection closes at precisely the announced and posted time, the car will not be allowed to qualify. The car can be submitted for individual tech inspection immediately after all other cars have qualified, and if deemed legal, will be allowed to start in the last position in the next race. After the inspection, it will be immediately placed on its starting lane and cannot be handled until the race has begun.

Race procedures
If less than 8 cars are entered, only one race will be run with no qualifying, the starting order decided by random
If more than 8 racers: 8 to 12 can run either two races ("A" and "B") or do a round-robin, meaning that as soon as someone has run the white lane, he is out for as many segments as extra racers over the number of lanes and comes back on red.
If 16 to 20 racers, racers may run 2 or 3 races, "A", "B" and "C". The winner of the "C" race moves to the "B" race, the "B" race winner moves to the "A".
Entry fees: $12.00 for the first race, $10.00 for the second and $8.00 for the third assuming that you run Can-Am, F1 and another class the same day. The "C" and "B" winners do not pay an extra fee for moving to the next race. Exception to this rule: multiple-day races. The entry fee for the first race of each new day is $12.00.
Track time is free all day for race entrants.

All racers must marshal at least one race and must be present when called. If, when called for marshaling, a racer is not present and cannot be immediately found, he will be excluded from the next racing event, be it the next race the same day or in the following month's event.
Racers with a physical handicap making them unable to marshal satisfactorily should supply a reliable replacement, who should register with the race director.

King track races
For standard monthly races in the Retro Can-Am class, TSR or Falcon 7 motors may be used.
For selected races on the King track in the Retro Can-Am and Retro F1 classes, specially marked TSR motors with special marking, are handed out at time of signup. The cost of the motor is then added to the entry fee. More than one motor may be purchased, one at a time or all at the same time for each special-event King Track race. Hand out motor event rules may vary. In case of motor failure during qualification, the racer will be allowed to change motor for the race but qualifying recorded time will be null and void, and the car must pass tech again after repairs. The racer will have to start last in line in the racing program, with any subsequent racer encountering the same issue lining behind.

The winner of each race is allowed to race in the next event at no extra charge. The SCRRA board or the race director can decide if more than one move-up is allowed in any given race. Move-up car(s) must be re-submitted to tech inspection as soon as possible after the end of the previous race.
Lane rotation: red to green, green to blue, blue to purple, purple to black, black to yellow, yellow to orange, orange to white, white to red.
Racing format is: 3-minute heats, 2-minute pit stops.

Addition of liquids to tires / changing parts during race / problems during race
It is expressly forbidden to use any liquid on the tires, that may leave a film on the track. While tire cleaners are allowed, any compound added to the tires found to leave any deposit on the track is not allowed, In such a situation, the offending car will be immediately disqualified, and its driver excluded from any further racing that day, with a warning. Race officials can at any time during the race request that any car be inspected to insure it's legality. This will also include the possibility of motor teardowns for further inspection after the race if reasonable cause dictates. Random motor teardowns of perhaps the podium cars will also be a possibility. Anyone losing a legal motor to a teardown will be fully compensated by the SCRRA.
The use of any compound such as glue and the use of glue boards is expressly forbidden and anyone found to use such will be immediately disqualified.

It is expressly forbidden to add any liquid on the tires after the car has been submitted to tech inspection and has been impounded. It is also forbidden to add any liquid to the tires before any race or between race heats.
However, tires may be cleaned between heats, only using the SCRRA supplied cleaner fluid and rag located behind the driver stand. After qualifying all cars must begin their races exactly as qualified. Once the race begins, parts may be changed at any time (other than body and chassis) as long as they are of legal specifications. Any racer found adding illegal parts to their car will be disqualified and possibly suspended. If a car is found with a tampered motor at the tech table or any time during the event the racer will be immediately disqualified and suspended for 3 months. If anyone thinks another racer is running an illegal motor a protest fee of $30 will be accepted and the motor will be taken apart for closer inspection immediately following the race. If found legal the racer will get the $30 and if found illegal the racer will be disqualified and suspended. Any racer found to be using any auxiliary power in either a car or controller will be immediately disqualified and suspended for a period to be determined.

Any problems encountered during the race, other than a simple braid adjustment or a quick dust-off of the tires will be dealt with under power on conditions.

Racers conduct
The use of foul language at any time during an event, by any racer in attendance will be, at the discretion of the race director, sanctioned by an immediate disqualification from the racing program of that day. A second outburst that day or in any future event will lead to a final warning. A third outburst will mean a permanent exclusion from any SCRRA organized racing event. Any racer caught in placing his car at the end of a pit stop ahead of where it stopped in the previous heat, will be immediately disqualified.

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