I should also mention,the chassis was so rusted and looking really bad,so I merely stripped it down and sandblasted,and give it a coat of paint.
Someone had mentioned to make these little guys handle was to bend up the rear pod and then hold it there with some wire. Funny, as I was taking this apart, It had indeed just that modification to it. I never knew that was done?
While searching for the body again, I run across the 81' ASA Camaro and that body style, to me brought back memories. a lot of my time during the 80's was spent around the local Dirt Tracks where I grew up. One of them in particular was the Pennsboro Speedway at the Ritchie County fairgrounds. In Oct. of 1981 race promoter Carl Short put up a large purse of money for a dirt track race. $100,000 total purse and $30,000 to the winner.He brought in Neil Bonnet that day as a promotion, but that Fall day a miracle had happened. A local racer by the name of Jim Dunn had won the race starting from the 23rd position. To watch the race,was anything short of a miracle.
Doc Lehman wrote the story that has been forever etched in mind as one of the best races ever seen by myself.
This is good reading! I hope someone takes the time to capture the moment,as all the fans did that fall day.
Sadly,a couple of years later on May 8,1983 we lost our legend Jim Dunn in a horrific accident down in Ky.
So,for me it was an easy choice that I have to paint the body like the Dunn machine that won the very first DTWC back in 1981.
Good thing I had bought a couple of these bodies as I'm not sure If my quality painting will do it any justice?
I may have to send it to one of our pro-painters here to do it just right.
I've contacted a close friend that may have the picture I'm looking for to replicate this paint scheme.
In, the meantime here are the pictures of the Womp car, I'm re-storing.