Others may run it also , but can not also run Regular JK Spec.
Chassis choices for Super Spec will be:
1) the older JK Can-Am chassis. built to the same rules as regular JK Spec.
2) the new JK X25R, built to the rules listed below.
There will be a 105G weight minimum for the complete car, regardless of what chassis used.
To facilitate the car also possibly being raced on Saturday or Sunday, ball bearing front wheels and ball bearings for the rear axle,
may be used on either chassis.
Note, front uprights will not be allowed to be modified to accept ball bearing's on either chassis.
BRP style, lock nut front axles, will be allowed in either class.
Super Spec Chassis Rules:
1) 3/4" wide JK bracket, supplied in kit, must be used, unmodified except for :
A ) slight tweaking, if required, to better fit rear chassis piece.
B ) slight opening of bearing holes to accept 7/32" dia. axle tube, if used.
Note; bearings may also be soldered or glued directly in bracket sides, to facilitate use of axle collars.
2) the 4 brass chassis pcs. must remain unmodified with the exception of:
A ) slight filing of rear pc., for optimum bracket fit.
B ) slight filing of rear pc., for .078" main rails, if used.
C ) slight filing of front pc. slots for .078" main rails, if used.
D ) uprights not being used, be it on the front pc. or pans, may be trimmed on the vertical surface only. See below illustration.
E ) trimming of the horizontal brass in the upright area is prohibited. IE-chassis, when viewed from bottom, must appear unmodified.
F ) the 4 brass pcs. may not be assembled in any manner where they overlap each other. IE- the horizontal surfaces of all 4 pcs. , with the exception of the
coined guide tongue, must be in the same plane.
3) chassis must use either .062" or .078" dia., round solid steel main rails, only 1 per side, soldered to the full length of the brass front rear pcs.
A maximum 1/16" gap may be left on the end of the slots, in both the front and rear brass pcs.
Slight flattening of wire from sanding of bottom of chassis will be allowed. Note: tech director will reserve the right to not allow any chassis he feels has been
excessively sanded/ cleaned to intentionally lighten chassis.
A ) the only thing allowed to be soldered to the exposed rails running between the front and rear pcs., is one simple "U" shaped pc. of wire, maximum .032" dia.,
to help prevent the lead wire from dragging. The part soldered on each rail may not exceed .375" in length. See below illustration.
B ) an additional earing back style, lead wire clip, may be soldered to the middle of the wire.
C ) additional earing back style lead wire clips may also be soldered to the front pc.
D ) the existing bent up lead wire holder does not have to utilized, but of course, can not be removed.
4) pan movement may only be achieved using the 4 unmodified ( approx. 093" square ) openings in the upights and on the ears of the back pc.
A ) any size wire may be used front and rear.
B ) wire may be flattened, vertically or horizontally, to achieve any desired movement,(or lack of)
C ) pans may be made to move independently, but can not extend past the 3.125" max. width, when spread all the way out.
5) body can only be affixed, utilizing the 4 stock body mount tabs, using one of the following methods;
A ) 1/16" O.D. , approx. 1/32" I.D. brass tubing, soldered solid in the holes in the tabs, and using straight pins in the tubes.
B ) or the tabs, unmodified, and using body clips.
6) an IRRA legal size (1.50" x 1.00" max.), steel guide tongue brace may be added.
7) any bracing may be added to the 4 brass pcs., motor bracket, & axle tube (if used), using IRRA legal materials. IE- piano wire or brass.
![Posted Image](http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r155/ncr1rhp/100_7944-1.jpg)
![Posted Image](http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r155/ncr1rhp/100_7941.jpg)