Visiting my son in Des Moines over Thanksgiving. He offered to go racing while there if we could find a track. The ones listed on Slotblog appear to be either closed or invisible (Boone and Armstrong). Does anyone know of a commercial or club track in Iowa?
Ken Bryan
Spokane, WA

Any current raceways in Iowa?
Started by
Ken Bryan
, Sep 30 2012 08:35 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 30 September 2012 - 08:35 PM
Posted 30 September 2012 - 09:09 PM
Yes both are closed. Right now I don't know of any commercial raceway in Iowa. There is one 10 miles outside of Burlington in Illinois called WISCRS.
Jeff Strause
Owner, Strause's Performance Racing (SPR)
USSCA 2016 4" NASCAR Champion & 4 1/2" NASCAR Champion & Retro Can-Am Champion
USSCA 2017 All Around Champion
USSCA 2019 All Around Champion
Posted 02 October 2012 - 05:36 PM
There is a new raceway in Ottumwa,Iowa using an 8 lane 1960s American Orange racing mostly 1/24 NASCAR hard-bodied cars & trucks.Details avail. on OWH.There's a 1/32 club in Cedar Rapids,details on the Scale Auto Racing's Raceway directory.The WISCRS is near Gladstone,IL.and in the Bluffdale subdivision,photos of the grandstand hillclimb & HO tracks can be seen here on slotblog. The closed Minks Raceway in Bloomington,IL. has now reopened,etc. Dan Bremer.Peoria,IL.
Posted 06 October 2012 - 02:10 PM
The phone # of Slot Rods Hobby & Raceway,Ottumwa,Iowa is (641) 799-6588.Track is 60s American orange.More raceway info: The phone # for Penrose Raceway,Sterling,IL. is (815)716-3222,has 155' hillclimb & drag.The M&R raceway,Mattoon,IL. closed & for sale.Track used to be at (closed) White Lightning Spdway in E.Alton,IL.See photo of track here on rcway directory,etc. Detroit Lakes,Minnesota has an open raceway,Raceway Hobby in Washington Sqr.Mall,(218) 844-5351,Gerding-built hillclimb.The Need 4 Speed Raceway in Wichita,Kansas (formerly Rebel Raceway)clzd.The 175' Hasse 8 laner was destroyed. Next spring, there will be a new raceway in Carbondale,IL. Track is a king shipped in from CA. For details, call Redline Raceway (this is RC cars only) in nearby Cambria,IL.(618) 985-3855.For free local/long-distance directory assistance (in USA) simply dial (if your cell phone doesn't offer this free) 1-800 FREE 411.You'll get all needed phone numbers 100% FREE !! There's Boone Doc's Raceway (1/24 dragstrip only) in Brighton,IL.(north of St.Louis) (618)372-4369.I'm told 3 Ohio raceways closed: 1.Palace Raceway in Powell 2.The Raceway in Hamilton 3.Raceway Alley in Middleton.Anyone searching for 1/32 club action in the vicinity of Terre Haute,Indiana or Linton,IN. they should check out Slot car WOW! Great 1/32 racing here!!If you are searching for used tracks (I do this for free!) 1/24 rcway tracks,routed or plastic HO,any drag stuff contact me wkends before 8 pm (Peoria time) Dan Bremer.(309) 685-3582 or text (309) 8686332. I always know of avail. tracks. PS: a large trioval n. of St Louis needs aome now! Thanks!