Thanks to Jim and Debby Watterson for their support of hardbody racing at Buena Park Raceway.
Thanks to our race directors, Hector Gonzalez and Keith Tanaka.
Thanks for our volunteer turn marshalls, Don Campbell and Jeff Easterly.
Here's the complete race/photo report:
Our next D3 Hardbody races will be during the 2012 Boola Bash at Buena Park Raceway, Dec. 1&2.
Saturday Dec. 1st, Talladega Nights modified 36D NASCARs on the King track (after the G7 race and track cleaning).
Sunday, Dec. 2nd, 1 pm, 1980-2012 NASCARs on the BPR Flat track followed by the Jalopy race.
Our next monthly D3 Hardbody races will be held on Sunday, Dec. 16th. Track opens at 10 am, first race starts at noon.