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Parma/Checkpoint warm-up races in December!

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#1 John the Jet

John the Jet

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Posted 28 November 2012 - 11:32 AM

The Southern California Retro Racing Association will hold two warm up races at Buena Park Raceway. The first race will be on the 2nd Saturday of the month, the 8th of December and the second race will be on the 5th Saturday of the month, the 29th of December 2012. Both races will be on the King Track and feature races for the CanAm and Formula One cars with Retro Pro cars joining in if time permits.
Buena Park Raceway will open at 8:00 am with Formula One tech commencing at 10:00 am on both days. There will be a lunch break after the Formula One race followed by the CanAm and Retro Pro races!
Join in on the fun as we prepare for the January opener!
The S.C.R.R.A. wishes you and your family nothing but the best this Holiday season. Make every day the best!

John A. Cukras
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John A. Cukras

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