Decals are homemade, except the Lotus script which is from Tom Anderson. Insert is my own vacformed low CanAm insert, especially made for inline cars
However it is low and sleek and looks great :-) and I wanted to use it on one of my 3D printed chassis for the Danish WP Can-Am Class.
My biggest problem was the low front and mid-section. I actually had to remove some material of the front of the chassis. The homologated NWP2 chassis is inline and has a BIG 18D Carrera motor, which protudes far into the chassis. :-(
I even use my own very flat Can-Am insert, but still had problems fitting this to the car. But after some fiddling and pressing etc, I succeeded in mounting the body on the chassis. :-)
The intakes are vintage from god knows where. :-) Petrol and oil caps are my own resin parts.
Wheel inserts are my own 15mm resin parts.
Here the Lotus is shown with another WP Can-Am car which I built for a friend. Nice-looking couple. :-)
The WP Can-Am class is based on a pretty simple chassis, originally the German White Point chassis, but since the manufacturer stopped producing the chassis, a couple of similar alternatives are allowed. The NWP2 is the latest addition. A simple 3D printed chassis in tough nylon material, very similar to the original chassis, but with some built in modifications, that makes it more suitable to current components.
The cars are cheap to build and especially to operate, as a set of tyres last nearly a season and the motor is nearly indestructable. The bodies are also very durable and cheap to replace.
The motors are very similar which secures very close and exiting racing, so this class and our Retro F1 class are my favorite classes. :-)
My purpose with cars like this is not to make an exact scale model, but to make a scale slot car in the style of the best from the late '60s - just like I tried back then, but with fewer skills and resources. :-)
Niels, DK
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Niels, DK