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Bay Area FCR Championship Race #2 at Eddie’s

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#1 Randy Tragni

Randy Tragni

    On The Lead Lap

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Posted 12 February 2013 - 12:18 AM

Race 2 of the 2013 Bay Area FCR Championship at Eddies Slot Car World.

Gary Hooks wins race 2 of the 2013 Bay Area FCR season.

Up the ante is the theme at Eddies. The Bay Area FCR season just keeps getting more competitive. Gary Hooks battling Justin Colvin for the lead in the Bay Area FCR championship along with 8 other competitor there to fight for points. Awesome! This is great competition happening here not to mention a whole lot of fun.

Gary Hooks walked away from everyone with 246 laps (this breaks a record set back in 2011 by Chris Chakires with 241 laps!). Congratulations to Gary for a very strong win.
The fight was on and Justin Colvin kept close to Gary to hold on and take 2nd place a mere 3 laps back. Congratulations to Justin for taking a marginal fastest lap of 5.5975 over Garys fastest lap of 5.5978! Wow, these were both very strong performances.

Next up, the also rans. barely in 3rd place, with 228 laps, was ex-champ Sam Rock. Sam ran a strong race with his new car. He was very closely followed by Wolf Immel for 4th also with 228 laps, a mere half lap back and 2 time ex-champ Randy Tragni in 5th place with 227 laps.

Farther back were Ray Villanova (6th with 214 laps) with a strong showing, followed by Frank the wall Rotgaber (7th with 210 laps), followed closely by David Springer (8th with 210 laps), Eric Jan (9th with 200 laps) suffering mechanical issues, and Uncle Gary Hoehn with a stripped gear at 188 laps.

Thanks to Mrs. Villanova for running the computer and timing system, and Mike Colvin, Eddie and Janet Wong for turn marshaling.

Anyone out there think you can take Gary or Justin? Come show your stuff!
The next race of the 2013 Bay Area Championship FCR Race will take place on Sunday, March 10th at 2PM at Eddies. THIS IS THE START OF DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME!
Call 707.552.9085 for further details. Also, a supporting race will also be held (likely on the King).

Points are awarded to the first six finishers:
10 points for first place, 8 points for second, 6 points for third, 4 points for fourth, 2 points for fifth, 1 points for sixth.

The 2013 Championship points and position standings:

1st Justin Colvin with 18 points (+8)
2nd Wolf Immel with 12 points (+4),
3rd Gary Hooks with 10 points (+10)
4th Randy Tragni with 8 points (+2)
5th Sam Rock with 6 points (+6)
6th Frank Rotgaber with 4 points (+4)
7th Eric Jan with 2 points (+2)
7th Ray Villanova with 2 point (+1)

Flexi-LMP was also run on the Motherlode. Justin won this race, followed by Randy Tragni, Ray Villanova and Frank Rotgaber.

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  • line-up.jpg

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