Hey Bertil,
Great pictures and article.
In1959 I got a figure 8 set of slot cars with a white slotted 2 car road bed and four very long coil springs
that would press into the track on either side of the groove. It used a 1.5 volt large lantern for power.
The 2 red hand controllers were 2 wire on/off buttons. The cars used a 2 magnet japaneese type motor directly
attached to the drive wheels. Me and John Gray raced after school for hours til I hooked it up to two 1.5 volt batteries
and then to two 4.5 volt lantern batteries. With this we cooked the motors and the spring contacts in the track to a meltdown!
Latter that year I went to Polks Model Craft in Manhattan, NY City and saw the Strombecker setup and I wanted to open up
my own slot car hobby store. Slot racing has been my passion and salvation. The pictures enforce my dedication to a
fine hobby with wonderful people.