Wind tunnels
Posted 05 April 2013 - 07:37 PM
How would you go about making something to test with or where to buy something?
And yes I know the other option! Go to the track and test!!
I'm curious on actual wind tunnel info about the downforce on the front and rear of the car.
Posted 05 April 2013 - 08:17 PM
"Racing makes heroin addiction look like a vague wish for something salty" - Peter Egan
Posted 05 April 2013 - 09:06 PM
Posted 06 April 2013 - 02:30 AM
Barring that, get a floor blower from McMaster-Carr, build a small tunnel for all that air to funnel into to increase the effect of the air over the body, and have a platform that the car sits on that has a load cell placed under the guide tongue, and another under the rear wheels to record just how much force is applied. You will also need a pitot tube in the tunnel to tell you what the actual airspeed is. Then it would be a much simpler task to test different bodies as well as different height cuts of same and compare them. Moving body mounts around could really pay off also. Scalloping side dams, or lowering them, changing wing profiles, all of this could be put to the test and hard data compiled. I imagine that with all of the established platforms that are already in use, refinement would be all that is left.
The technology is out there to make all of this happen.
Knowledge doesn't mean Understanding, and the Truth is the Truth, no matter what you think of it...........
Posted 08 April 2013 - 08:49 PM
"Just once I want my life to be like an '80s movie,
preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason."
Posted 09 April 2013 - 12:41 PM
O-GOD......$5500.00 FOR A TENTH.. .........If I had that much $$$ to play with. I could have a King to play with in my 6 car garage......If I left my Rolls/ Lambo outside.
Posted 10 April 2013 - 12:28 PM
And never ignore the bottom of the car. I found (by track testing) that the open bottom frames can generate lift with many scale bodies.
Larry D. Kelley, MA
retired raceway owner... Raceworld/Ramcat Raceways
racing around Chicago-land
Diode/Omni repair specialist
USRA 2023 member # 2322
IRRA,/Sano/R4 veteran, Flat track racer/MFTS
Host 2006 Formula 2000 & ISRA/USA Nats
Great Lakes Slot Car Club (1/32) member
65+ year pin Racing rail/slot cars in America
Posted 18 April 2013 - 06:07 AM
I wondered whether closing off the bottom of a wing car chassis would aid it? I mean it could be done with lightweight/rigid material that would not add significantly to the weight of the car. I wonder what a little venturi tunnel might add? Although motor heat no where near what F1 exhaust is, any benefit to that resource I wonder?
There was someone, (cannot recall where I saw it) messing around with ground effects in wing cars?
I have a powerful dust collector in my shop that I often contemplate pulling the air over a slot car to see the effects, might have to do that one day...