Well, Carsten, how did you do in that race?
What a rude question! I said "participated" didn't I?
Well, I am not in the same legue as the German drivers. Our goal (it was a three-man team effort), was not to be last, secondly not to be the last Danish team.
We managed both, and we won the bear barrel for the team that traveled the fathest, but that is about it.
Exactly what place I do not know. Great as the racing is, the result handling is lacking. Even when you participate you really don't know. It is kept in an Excel sheet on the race controller's laptop, manually totalled from each heat. A scoring system way below par in my opinion, but I have done what I can to make them change for something better.
Anyway, for those who do not know. Originally these bodies used to be build from static plastic models. Then for a while they where resin moulds, but no adays they are handbuild carbon fiber casts. Paper thin and comparable in weight to the thicker vacum forms.
The chassis are high tech wonders in brass and carbon fiber. They are all bolted together. (Only soldering allowed is for the motor wires.)
As noted previously, the motors and tires are "hand-out". You then have fiftten minutes under the watchfull eyes of the race controllers to put the stuff on your car, whereafter it goes directly to park ferme. No liquid of any kind allowed on the tires. Before the race you have a five minute warm-up.
If you feel your motor is below par (they are usual very identical), you can request a second, but will have to change it in the 5-minute window or race time.
We then race four rounds around the track, two of them in daylight, and two in the dark with working lighst on the car. If the lights fail, you must repair within five laps of the failure, naturally in race time.
Car do fall off, and incidents occure when cars touch each other in tight bends, but when we race Club races it is common for the winner to have a LapMaster "stability" of 99% or better. (You average time is 99% of your best time.) Nevertheless it is hard to drive these devils. To be fast you need to be able to race a fast, yet tight line. You cannot let the car broadside, or it will be way too slow. Fall off any more that once every 20 minutes or so, and you are in deep trouble.