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Additional Guides circa 1965

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#1 Steve Okeefe

Steve Okeefe

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Posted 18 August 2013 - 11:57 AM

Some of the guides in this 1965 group need identification (manufacturer/vendor), availability date (month) and part number.


First, a Hawk guide.  Here's a bottom view:


Hawk Bottom Blog.jpg


And a top view:


Hawk Top Blog.jpg


Note there's only a small nub to attach the guide to the chassis; similar to a Cox guide of the same period.  Anybody ever seen a part number for this guide?  I haven't.


Here's a Pactra guide that resembles a K&B 602, but isn't.  The earlier (1963) K&B 602 guide was molded in yellow:


Pactra Wedge a Blog.jpg


Pactra Wedge b Blog.jpg


For comparison, here's a 1963 K&B 602:


K&B 602.jpg


Here's a guide that needs full identification; manufacturer, part number and availability date.  Like the Pacta guide above, it resembles an older (1964) K&B guide, this time a 607.  But it isn't a K&B 607, which like the 602 was also molded in yellow.


K&B White a Blog.jpg


K&B White b Blog.jpg


Again for comparison, here's a 1964 K&B 607:


K&B 607.jpg


Here's a MDC 252 guide.  Just filling in a missing photo:


MDC 252 a Blog.jpg


MDC 252 b Blog.jpg


Last but not least, a Monogram SR1304 "Compact" guide molded in black.  Might not be a surprise to some of you out there, but the only ones I've ever seen are molded in white:


Mono SR1304 Black Blog.jpg


More (1966, 67, 68, etc.) to come later!


Steve Okeefe


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#2 don.siegel


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Posted 18 August 2013 - 01:11 PM

Hi Steve, 


Here's one answer and a few more questions - feel free to move these as needed! 


The Hawk pickup is the SA800 Delrin Pick Up Set, 1965




Another K&B, which I don't think was up already: No. 603 Front Pick-Up and Guide 5/16" blade for drag racing, $0.49. 1964 or so, I'd guess. 




Another one from around then, maybe a year earlier, by International: the braids go through the slots in the pickup, and are held in by two screws for which there are holes in the front the guide. 




Two from Europe - dates unknown, maybe late 60s for the Carrera (very Cox-like) and the 1970s for the Polistil, a white one similar to the Monogram, for their undersized 1/32 cars... 


Carrera (no number)



Polistil A/7 F


#3 TSR


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:42 AM

Please note that the K&B Modelrama #603 is also the same (but in a different color) as used on every BZ RTR car.


Thing is, the white kind is not easy to find as a NOS part and goes for as much as a Cox "Quick-Change" NOS guide whenever one appears on ePay... because a large proportion of BZ cars have worn or damaged guides and desperately need new ones, and there are few to be had.

Philippe de Lespinay

#4 Steve Okeefe

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Posted 20 August 2013 - 11:55 AM

Should the guides from the BZ RTR cars be called K&B guides or BZ guides? In other words, did BZ sell them separately under their own name?
If they were BZ guides I could (and maybe should) add them to the chart.

Steve Okeefe


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#5 TSR


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 09:57 PM

did BZ sell them separately under their own name?


Yes. The LASCM has some inside their original blister pack.

But they are very scarce.

Philippe de Lespinay

Electric Dreams Online Shop