15 turn-outs for Can-Am & 13 for F-1.
Good numbers, considering such usual suspects as Morio Hashimoto & Husky Kurata didn't make it.
They may be saving energy for our evening banquet on September 12???
Can-Am Qualify:
Can-Am B-Main:
Can-Am A-Main:
Can-Am Podium Cars, L to R: Haruki's, 2nd; Tebu's, 1st; Kamo's, 3rd:
Can-Am Podium Racers, L to R: Haruki, 2nd; Tebu, 1st; Kamo, 3rd:
F-1 Qualify:
F-1 B-Main:
F-1 A-Main:
F-1 Podium Cars, L to R: Ryu's, 2nd; Tebu's 1st; Yoshi Hirose's, 3rd:
F-1 Podium Racers, L to R: Ryu, 2nd; Tebu, 1st; Yoshi Hirose, 3rd:
More pictures will be posted at our Retro Tokyo's web-site: retro-tokyo.com
Good Racing,