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"View New Content" options and issues

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#1 Cheater


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Posted 06 October 2013 - 09:57 AM

The "View New Content" click on the home page has been generating a few support PMs lately, which suggests it's probably due for a little tutorial. Not enough evidence to determine whether the reported problems are due to inadvertent clicks or an update to the forum software, but the problems are easy to resolve.
"View New Content" is simply a specialized search and some members may not be aware that the search criteria for VNC is configurable.
When you click on VNC, the resulting page contains a lefthand menu for the VNC selection parameters. Here's a screenshot of mine earlier today:
Under "Content", select Forums if not selected.
Under "By time period", Past 24 Hours or Past Week is probably what you want, though some of the other options are certainly viable; it all depends on how you wish to view the forum.
You almost certainly shouldn't have anything selected under the "Other" category. Having something selected here will normally show little or no new content in a VNC search, unless you have been clicking to "follow" threads or are active in posting or starting threads. 
If "View New Content" isn't working for you as it did or as you wish, try the settings shown in the screenshot above as a test and adjust from there to suit your preferences.

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