Quick Result of our Race#12:
More report at our website soon: retro-tokyo.com
Tebu TQ-ed & won both of Can-Am & F-1.
Kamo finished 2nd with his light-weight special with TSRD3 among PD powered cars.
His Can-Am is an experimental one for the coming Checkpoint Cup.
Because of winter dry weather & A/C heating, the surface of our King had got many bumps, which caused many crashes onto the bank wall, a few racers, including myself, gave up racing F-1.
Especially Kamo & myself, who had had a plan to test SCRRA F-1's for the Checkpoint Cup didn't race in order to prevent the F-1's for the Cup from severe crash at the bank.
We have decided to race GTC-FK instead of F-1 during our cold & dry season of February & March.
Good Racing,