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Change at our racing program in February & March, 2014

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#1 usadar


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Posted 16 December 2013 - 11:30 PM

During winter in Tokyo, the weather is very dry & cold.

The dry weather & air conditioning have a very bad effect on the surface of our King track, bumps on the straights, making F-1 cars crash on to the bank wall after the main straight.

That was why several racers including Kamo-san, Ryu, Mario & myself, didn't race F-1 at our recent Race#12, lest we should break the cars.

Especially, Kamo & I were going to try the F-1's for the Checkpoint Cup, It seemed better for us to test them at Buena Park.

In order to avoid more serious crashes of F-1's at the bank, we will race IRRA GTC-FK  instead of F-1 in February & March.( we will have no race in January because many of us are out of town for  the Checkpoint Cup.)

Of course we will fix the track surface again during winter with more effort than  before.

With some lead weights to make cars 110 g or more, we can use Can-Am chassis by changing motors from Puppy Dogs to TSRD3/Falcon7 and bodies from Can-Am to GTC bodies (only Parma 1039B Lola GT Coupe will be allowed to use for the convenience of our racers).





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#2 MSwiss


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Posted 16 December 2013 - 11:50 PM

Regardless of changing classes,you should consider installing a soft wall in the bank.

While cars don't launch in my bank,they occasionally get nerfed.

They survive without damage about 98% of the time,and never suffer serious damage.
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Mike Swiss
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