* The Formula 1 cars are now allowed .790" minimum rear tire diameter and .040" rear clearance.
* The second race of the day on Friday will be the Retro 1/32 and will be held this year on the little Kingleman track. Buena Park has just refurbished the track and the braid depth has changed somewhat. It is now VERY close to flush with the track surface. Maybe .000-.005" braid depth. Mike Steube once described racing on the Kingleman as "a knife fight in a phone booth" and it suits the 1/32s perfectly!
* In all classes please remember that some legal bodies come with molded-in interiors which are NOT legal. The interiors must be cut out and a separate interior mounted inside the body. Also, recently several cars were seen with interiors mounted to the chassis and a perhaps bit too low.

* The rules require three (3) numbers to be displayed on the body and spoilers to be no higher than 1/2". Magic markers and scissors will be available at the tech table as necessary!!
* The SCRRA is expecting at least as many racers as last year and probably more. We WILL move things along smartly and will call for tech to begin on all three days at around 9:30 AM. Move-ups in each race are allowed to change motors and a limit will be set at ten (10) minutes to do this. Please have motors ready if you think you have a chance to move up...
* Just a few days to go... everyone have a safe trip!!