Pictures of the JK HR JRL chassis?
Posted 21 January 2014 - 05:11 PM
I'm in need of some detailed pictures of the JK Horky JRL chassis. I have to build a couple and want to make certain all the parts fall where they are supposed to.
Thanks in advance!
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 05 March 2014 - 03:10 PM
Posted 05 March 2014 - 04:49 PM
I think I built one of these recently. It was from Mid-America JK HR 1/24 F1/Indy. Is this correct?
If so, when I get back home I will get some pics for you and fill you in on the steps i took. there are a couple of things that can create problems. The chassis does work pretty well but I only have one race on it so take it for what is it worth.
Mark Horne
SERG - www.slotcarenduro.club
"Racing is life... everything else is just waiting." Steve McQueen - LeMans
There are only two things in life that make me feel alive. Racing is one of them.
Posted 05 March 2014 - 11:24 PM
found this: http://www.slotcarta...JK-Horky-F1-JRL
"If you have integrity, nothing else matters, and if you do not have integrity, nothing else matters."
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"Fool me once, same on... shame on you. Fool me... you can't get fooled again."
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Posted 06 March 2014 - 09:26 AM

Posted 06 March 2014 - 01:01 PM
Anybody got a used one for sale?
Maybe after the 2014 NATs?
Posted 06 March 2014 - 02:09 PM
The kit is only $60...
Posted 06 March 2014 - 03:38 PM
Thanks for the picture. That will help!
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 10 March 2014 - 02:50 PM
The one I made, none of the tabs fit in the slots. Have fun grinding those leeeeetle parts!
"Just once I want my life to be like an '80s movie,
preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason."
Posted 10 March 2014 - 03:08 PM
Posted 10 March 2014 - 03:32 PM
When put together properly the center section will float laterally enough to provide some rear steer.
I thought I posted pictures of my build here but do not see them. Hmmmmm.................... Perhaps it was done on another forum?
Mark Horne
SERG - www.slotcarenduro.club
"Racing is life... everything else is just waiting." Steve McQueen - LeMans
There are only two things in life that make me feel alive. Racing is one of them.
Posted 11 March 2014 - 04:02 AM
I would call it front steer, not rear steer... We're almost done completing Justin's HNR JRL for Nats. We bought the assembled kit from shoppscr.com. I think it was worth the extra $60 to not have to screw around with grinding the tabs off. However, I wound up disassembling the chassis to flatten it and straighten a couple things that weren't "perfect"... I still think it was worth not having to build it from scratch.
I'll try to post pictures when it's done.
Michael Colvin
- Pit dads of the world unite! -
Posted 11 March 2014 - 09:36 AM
The one I made, none of the tabs fit in the slots. Have fun grinding those leeeeetle parts!
I feel your pain Foam...What I did was, prior to breaking the tree apart I ground the plating off the area that goes down in the slots.
Then with a small dental grinding diamond bit I opened up the slots and this worked quite well.
- Tim Neja likes this
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 01 February 2020 - 01:06 PM
How disappointing.....This chassis is apparently no longer legal for the 2020 USRA NATS
- Mike K likes this
Posted 01 February 2020 - 02:53 PM
Says on pg 87 "May use the following chassis: Red fox, FX 78, H&R, Mack F1,". That chassis is commonly referred to as an H&R.
Posted 01 February 2020 - 04:03 PM
The only JRL chassis on the 2020 Scale Division Approved Components list is Red Fox GRF2K20B and GRF2K20K.
My guess is that page 87 was not updated to match the 2020 parts list......
So much DRAMA for such small cars....
Mike Kravitz
Don't DQ me for having the wrong SHADE of orange on my McLaren... after all, it's ONLY a toy car!!!
Posted 01 February 2020 - 07:20 PM
I looked for one last year and they are no longer available from JK. have to hand cut replacement pan hangers for one of my JK/HnR.
We still use them in our Chicago 'Midwest Flat track Series' along with a few others. Have not seen a Red Fox version yet.....?
Larry D. Kelley, MA
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Posted 01 February 2020 - 09:59 PM
Mike K
What happened was that there hasn't been a New JRL chassis submitted in a long time and we have a Part# on this New one and so we made a JRL list and the other names will be added and everything that was legal in Chassis land for JRL last year can still be used this year along with the New RF
Posted 03 February 2020 - 07:49 PM
Our chassis is most certainly legal according to Jon Madtes, the Scale Technical Director. There was a problem with updating the rule book but it should be fixed quickly. They are in stock. https://www.jkproduc...y=c91&results=1
- kvanpelt, Jason Holmes, Rob Voska and 1 other like this
Tim Homola
JK Products
Posted 07 February 2020 - 04:42 PM
It's funny not haha to see people make a Comment on something they know nothing about or don't check on before making it to stir up things it would make you think they work for the Media and fake News did anyone look and see than Craig started this 6yrs ago
- glueside likes this
Posted 08 February 2020 - 09:22 AM
A question was asked. I give the guy credit for not starting another thread, he went & searched to try to find the answer before posting.
Posted 01 February 2020 - 01:06 PM
How disappointing.....This chassis is apparently no longer legal for the 2020 USRA NATS
- Frankie Schaffier likes this
Posted 09 February 2020 - 08:14 AM
How disappointing.....This chassis is apparently no longer legal for the 2020 USRA NATS
I think if you read Jason's post - it is legal.
Jeff Strause
Owner, Strause's Performance Racing (SPR)
USSCA 2016 4" NASCAR Champion & 4 1/2" NASCAR Champion & Retro Can-Am Champion
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Posted 14 February 2020 - 04:22 PM
There are 2 "U" long shaped pieces - where do they go?
Jeff Strause
Owner, Strause's Performance Racing (SPR)
USSCA 2016 4" NASCAR Champion & 4 1/2" NASCAR Champion & Retro Can-Am Champion
USSCA 2017 All Around Champion
USSCA 2019 All Around Champion
Posted 14 February 2020 - 08:28 PM
Are we talking Jk
if so I think they go at the bottom of the Front uprights