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2014 Parma Checkpoint Cup - a final wrap-up

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#1 Bryan Warmack

Bryan Warmack

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Posted 24 January 2014 - 12:50 AM

Just a little wrap-up here to the recently concluded Parma Checkpoint Cup which featured a gathering of some of the best Retro Racers in the world!!... a few words of congratulations, some final comments, and some thanks are in order!!
Congratulations to the winners, Matt Bruce, Duran Trujillo, and myself and a special nod to Matt!! An AWESOME Can-Am win, besting an AWESOME field of racers and just an outstanding weekend, Matt. CONGRATS!! Great run, Duran, to come from the B to win in F1!!
Another great showing this year by the "out of towners". This year Retro Tokyo REALLY got in the action with a fine fourth in Can-Am by Haruki and the next day, Kamo, Haruki, and Tebu SWEPT the first three spots in F1 qualifying!! Tebu ran a super race to secure third.
Great effort, Gary Donahoe, to be the only racer to podium in Can-Am and F1 with a well-deserved third and second. Great weekend, Gary!
Congrats also to Haruki with his Can-Am and F1 Presentation Concours wins with bodies by Noose! Earl McCutcheon was the Realistic winner in both classes with his usual superb stuff! Great-looking cars also from Jairus Watson, Eddie Mac, and Jeff Bigelow.
Many thanks to Sam Rackham, Jim Swofford, Mill Conroy, Philippe de Lespinay, and others for all your help with so many thankless little things prior to the race weekend.
Special thanks to Mill Conroy and Dennis Samson to help organize the super award plaques!
Special thanks also to Nesta Szabo and Kathy Mitome for all their time and effort to bring to the event the wonderful Parma Checkpoint posters!  Thanks also, Nesta, for all the super photos!!
Many Thanks TJ Albu and Jerry Johnson and anyone else who helped out with the three days of track prep! 
Many thanks Alex Freund for all your help to insure all the races ran smoothly!! Also to all the volunteer race directors, Alex, Jay Kisling, Jason Holmes, John Cukras, Mill Conroy, Bill Vanderziel, Tim Neja, Hector Gonzales, and others!
Thanks to SpeedZone racer Wes "Mr. Fix It" Pikunis for all his help in doing whatever necessary to get any and all racers back up to speed if they experienced problems. Thanks, Wes!!
And, for all their help in general, John Cukras, John Wakamatsu, Terry Schmid, Mill Conroy, Marc Franco, Gary Donahoe, Hector Gonzales, Mike Low, Earl McCutcheon, and others. THANKS!!
And, Buena Park Raceway, Jim, Debby, Eddie and everyone at BPR. THANKS!!
The SCRRA and Buena Park Raceway would like to thank EVERYONE who attended this years race for their participation in help making the 2014 Parma Checkpoint Cup the great success it was... God willing we'll do it all again next year!!  :good:  THANKS!!

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