My track is...
94 running feet and takes up 12' x 24' of my basement.
1/24" scale old school wood track with 4.5" lane spacing.
The gutter lanes have 6.75" to the wall so you have plenty of room for drifting.
Powered with a 45 amp Power Source power supply and a deep cycle battery just for good measure. It runs about 13.8 volts.
Controlled by an SRT timing system.
I have not run faster then 3.1 seconds but I have had others run a 3.0. Is there any more joy in life then to have SOMEONE else hold the track fast lap time?
We run:
- 4" stamp steel flexi chassis
- Parma FCR brass chassis
- 1/32 and NSR
- BRM bodies with H&R Racing chassis