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Retro Tokyo prospective motor rules changes

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#1 usadar


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Posted 27 March 2014 - 07:43 PM

Presently in Tokyo for Can-Am & F-1, we just approve PD, TSRD3 & Falcon 7.
The cars run with PD should keep the minimum car weight of 100 grams ( as in IRRA), while those with the FK's have no minimum-weight -requirement (as in SCRRA).
The track power/voltage is set at 14.2V with 2 x 90 Amp Rivergate Bulldog Power-Supply(at quick charge mode) plus 4 x Optima Yellow Top batteries, 975 Cold Cranking Amp. each.
PD powered IRRA cars seem a little bit faster but it is not 100% of their motor power but they are more stable because of their heavier weight  than SCRRA cars; most SCRRA/FK powered cars weigh 88-95 grams, around 10 grams lighter than PD powered cars(of course you can make your cars heavier with FK motors if you like).
For example, I tested my SCRRA Can-Am with TSRD3, which I raced at this January's Checkpoint Cup, running around 4.02 on Green/Orange while my IRRA Can-Am TQ-ed at 4.03 at our recent race in Tokyo(on Orange).
FK motors are easier to get hot and slower toward the end of race, so personally I prefer IRRA cars with good PD motors to SCRRA cars, but if your SCRRA cars are well set up, they don't slow down even at the last heat, which Kamo-san proved at our recent race in Tokyo.
We also had our first GTC-FK(only with TSRD3 or Falcon 7) at our recent race of March.
We required the GTC's of IRRA's minimum weight of 110 grams.
They were slower by 0.1-0.2 second  than Can-Am but we enjoyed closer racing a lot.
Some cars had trouble of burned FK motors but well-set up cars & most A-Main GTC's ran without motor troubles until the end of the race.
This is where we are at Retro Tokyo.
I, as well as other Tokyo racers, hope PD's priced over $50 would have less variance, but we enjoy racing here.
As for Retro Hawks, we are wondering whether or not we should allow them for SCRRA Can-Am & F-1 because SCRRA just approves TSRD3 & Falcon 7, while RH belongs to the IRRA approved FK's.
Tentatively, I am thinking as follows:
Can-Am & F-1          PD, TSRD3, Falcon7, Retro Hawk for IRRA cars (minimum 100 g)
                                 TSRD3, Falcon 7                          for SCRRA cars (no minimum weight)
GTC-FK                    TSRD3, Falcon 7 & Retro Hawk
Since we are a small size group & our chance of racing at SCRRA events at Buena Park is Checkpoint Cup or Summer Western Classic, both are hand-out TSRD3 races for Can-Am & F-1 with no GTC-FK races as in IRRA, we might drop Falcon 7 from our motor list to make our inventory of motors at Cheerio SpeedWay easier.  however, this is not yet decided finally & I will think it over after discussing with our racers in Tokyo.
If this rule is put in effect for our race in April or May, we will examine how Retro Hawks perform against PD's.
The most important thing, however, is to enjoy racing.
Good Racing,

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#2 Tom Eatherly

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Posted 27 March 2014 - 09:04 PM


How are you doing my friend? Like Retro Tokyo, I'm interested in the Retro Hawk also. I have an anglewinder coupe for this summer's Western Classic, which will have an F7 for the race,but, after that, I plan on putting in one of those Retro Hawks and see for myself how they perform. I've heard nothing but good things about these motors, so I'd simply like to see for myself. Haruki, I will see you in July and we'll race a bit and talk motors a bit. Tell the Tokyo racers hello for me please. Take care.

Tom Eatherly

#3 Tex


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Posted 28 March 2014 - 06:58 AM

There's no problem with tweaking your own rules a little; if things don't work out somehow, you can always revert back to the way it was. Even with the proposed changes, your new rules are +90% the same as all other retro organizations; with but a couple simple changes, you can be legal anywhere you go. Don't worry, be happy!

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