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Danish International 1/24 Retro F1 GP - 2014 edition

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#1 n.elmholt


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Posted 08 September 2014 - 07:03 PM




Now it is time for the fourth annual 1:24 Retro F1 GP in Ikast, Denmark


The 1:24 Retro F1 class was introduced in Denmark in 2008 and inspired by the US D3 Retro class. However we took it a step back in time and based it on the more scale-like bodies made by Lancer, Russkit etc in the late 60's.

In 2009 the class was included in the championship series run by the danish Slot Car Federation, DMRU (est. 1968) and have since been a national championship class.




In 2011 my recently departed childhood friend, Jan Juul was the leading force behind the first 1:24 Retro GP hosted by his club in my native town of Ikast.

The club has a nice and demanding 4-lane Carrera track which is very suitable for these cars.

The race was a success and has been followed by similar races in 2012 and 2013.


In 2013 the interest for the class has spread to Germany and Sweden and we had 3 competitors from north Germany competing in the 2013 race.


For 2014 we hope to see more foreign competitors - and dont hesitate to contact me if you feel tempeted to participate.

This Year the Race is dedicated to my deceased friend, but in his spirit we will have a great race with fierce battles on the track and a relaxed atmosphere when not racing :-)







Invitation: http://racecars.dk/2...014 inv eng.pdf


Allowed Bodies: http://racecars.dk/RetroF1%20biler.JPG


Examples of cars: racecars.dk/RetroF1-biler 2014 (Large).jpg


Report from the 2013 Race: http://racecars.dk/R... F1 GP 2013.pdf


Pics from the 2013 race: https://picasaweb.go...1GrandPrix2013#


Tutorials for building a Retro F1 car:











Contact me for more information


yours, Niels DK

Niels Elmholt Christensen, DK

Former Neckcheese Racing
www.racecars.dk - my Picasa Photos

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