One of the brightest shooting stars in the racing universe was Frank Lockhart, who in 1926 at 23 years old became just the fourth rookie to win the 500. He'd journeyed to Indy without a ride and went on to win the race subsituting for another driver who became ill.
Lockhart was a self-taught engineer and with the help of the the brilliant brothers Zenas and John Weisel, developed the first intercooler to fit to his supercharged Perfect Circle Miller 91 cubic inch race car for Indy in 1927. After claiming the pole with a new track record of 120.1 MPH, Lockhart led the race for 81 laps before breaking a connecting rod, but his intercooler design (for which he was awarded a patent in 1931) made his Miller one of the fastest of its kind. He later recorded a speed of 164 MPH with the car on the Muroc Dry Lake... in 1927, mind you! Some suggest the intercooler allowed his 91 cubic inch Miller engine to develop 285 HP.
One of the most interesting projects to surface in recent years is the recreation of the seminal Lockhart intercooler by Lee Stohr of Stohr Design.
The process is being covered thoroughly by The Old Motor and I wanted to post a couple of pics and links to the reportage published so far (there's more to come). I find this endeavor completely fascinating and bet there's more than a few Slotblog members who will feel the same way. The project is a blend of historical research and modern technology, as 3D printing is being used to create the casting cores.
Recreating the 1927 Frank Lockhart Intercooler - Part 1
Recreating the 1927 Frank Lockhart Intercooler - Part 2