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2014 Retro Tokyo Race #7 results - September 21, Can-Am & GTC

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#1 usadar


    Checkered Flag in Hand

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Posted 26 September 2014 - 08:12 PM

Some pictures from out race report posted at: http://retro-tokyo.c...h/2014_7th.html


Some highlights of the race:


Tebu won the both classes; he is the man to beat in Tokyo.

We are so glad that Yoshi Hirose came back &  finished 2nd in Can-Am after his heart surgery in May.
JIro, now G7 fisherman(??), also returned, although not raced, helped Yoshi by pitting for him during the Can-Am race.
Jiro is expected to come back to retro racing  in November after his driving tour with his wife in Europe


All of us enjoyed a real good racing.


Keep racing,


Haruki :good:


Can-Am Qualify


rt 14 sep ca q.jpg


Can-Am B-Main


rt 14 sep ca b.jpg


Can-Am A-Main


rt 14 sep ca a.jpg


Can-Am Podium Cars: (L to R)  Yoshi Hirose 2nd, Tebu 1st, Haruki 3rd


rt 14 sep ca pod cars.JPG


Can-Am Podium Racers:(L to R) Yoshi 2nd, Tebu 1st, Haruki 3rd


rt 14 ca sep pod racers.JPG


GTC Qualify


rt 14 sep gtc q.jpg


GTC B-Main

rt 14 sep gtc b.jpg


GTC A-Main


rt 14 sep gtc a.jpg


GTC Podium Cars: (L to R) Haruki 2nd, Tebu 1st, Ryu 3rd

rt 14 sep gtc pod cars.JPG


GTC Podium Racers: (L to R) Ryu  3rd, Tebu 1st, Haurki 2nd

rt 14 sep gtc pod racers.JPG

Haruki Kan
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