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Unique hotel decor

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Posted 03 November 2014 - 10:31 AM

We stayed at the Best Western Southwest Denver Friday and Saturday nights and that property features a unique decor, unlike anything I've seen elsewhere and I wanted to share a few shots of it.


Seems the hotel's owner is into dinosaurs and is friends with some of the major museums devoted to those creatures, so he's been able to acquire dinosaur bone casts of all sizes to use to decorate the hotel. Here's some pics. Most of these are from the hotel's lobby.














This is the wall behind the registration counter.




There a large gated sandbox out front for younger kids and they've installed bone casts under the sand so the kids can play at digging up their own fossils! Very creative.

The prehistoric theme was carried throughout the hotel, with rocklike hall signage. The little off-lobby bar, Paleo Joe's, which was also used as the complimentary breakfast room, has a ceiling decorated with flat in situ bone casts.


Rather refreshing to see such personalized decor in a hotel, as most prefer the image of corporate sterility these days.

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