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Slots of Fun race results - Jan 10, Abbeville, SC

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#1 SlowBeas


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Posted 12 January 2015 - 12:25 PM

We had a great time racing Saturday, while seeing the return of our old friend, Marty Cwiakala -- who has been MIA due to school activities. It's hard to spend much time racing slots when you teach high school robotics and lead a team of students into a robotics competition. It was good to have Marty back at the racers' station.


First race was our Can-Am using the Pro Slot FK motors. Great racing; lots of fun. And when all was said (talking trash) and done (counting laps), yours truly walked away with first, followed closely by Richard Sylvester and Dan Parker.


Second race of the day featured 4-inch flexis with the CoT body and RH motors. Richard came out on top, followed by Dan and Marty. Your surly author experienced a bit of motor trouble and finished dead last after dropping out in the final heat. That'll teach me to expect that little motor to run so many races without checking the brushes beforehand. Great little motor, too. May it RIP.


Congrats to the racers, and a special thanks to Don Berni for hosting another great monthly gathering at Slots of Fun in beautiful downtown Abbeville, SC.


Next on the schedule will be the February races on Feb. 7. See you then.



Jim Beasley
South Carolina, USA

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- Pat Paulsen, 1968
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