In memory of the great Jim Clark Jr. OBE, who would have been 79 today (born 4 March 1936)
Posted 06 March 2015 - 05:23 PM
Ô¿Ô bob chaney :: slot car hobbyist
.. how's it going? too early to tell, too late to do anything about it :: Q>
.. it will always be easier to create penalties for violation, than reason for conscience
.. one thing's for certain, nothing's for sure .. everything is possible, nothing is likely
.. (early advice from HT) .. don't just write there, say something!
.. if it wasn't this, it would just be something else .. no good deed goes unpunished
.. we are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us .. damn bukowski
Posted 06 March 2015 - 05:30 PM
Ô¿Ô bob chaney :: slot car hobbyist
.. how's it going? too early to tell, too late to do anything about it :: Q>
.. it will always be easier to create penalties for violation, than reason for conscience
.. one thing's for certain, nothing's for sure .. everything is possible, nothing is likely
.. (early advice from HT) .. don't just write there, say something!
.. if it wasn't this, it would just be something else .. no good deed goes unpunished
.. we are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us .. damn bukowski