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Retro Tokyo Pacific Challenge results - April 2015

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#1 usadar


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Posted 08 April 2015 - 12:24 AM

Pacific Challenge Racers.JPG


Three racers came from Southern California to race with us: Jay Henry, Eddie Shorer & Jim Wiseman.

Usually our monthly races are held on Sunday but with the previous Saturday as a practice day but in order to give more practice time for the visitors, we opened on the afternoon of Friday for practice.

Saturday morning was also saved for practice with a F-1 race in the afternoon.

On April 5, Sunday, the raceway opened at 7:00 AM as usual but Can-Am tech started at 10:00 instead of 9:00 AM for more practice time.

14 raced for F-1 & 18 for Can-Am; bigger turn-outs than usual these days but less than what had been expected because a couple of racers were not able to race because of health or other issues.


We all had a great racing & hope we will do this again in April 2016.


Please visit our web-site for a detailed race report:  






Some excerpts:


F-1 Qualify:




F-1 B Main:




F-1 A Main:




Can-Am Qualify:




Can-Am C Main:




Can-Am B Main:




Can-Am A Main:











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#2 Tim Wilkins

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Posted 08 April 2015 - 11:14 AM

Way to represent Eddie, Jay and Jim.  Looks like you had a good time on your Far East road trip :good:

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#3 redbackspyder


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Posted 08 April 2015 - 01:15 PM

Congratulations to everyone for racing, and hosting Jay, Eddie and Jim...

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