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American Raceways Extravaganza - June 12-14, Ashland, MA

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#1 sledman



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Posted 12 May 2015 - 03:53 PM



The Retro ElecTric Racing Organization (RETRO) and Modelville Hobby have announced what promises to be the most unique and challenging event in the history of Retro slot car racing with the running of the American Raceway Extravaganza in honor of Bob Emott on the weekend of June 12-14, 2015.


Modelville Hobby has three restored original American Raceway tracks all under one roof making it the perfect venue to stage this event commemorating the historical significance of American Raceways and the golden era of slot car racing in the 1960s.


The event will also honor the memory of Bob Emott, a pioneer racer, chassis builder, track owner, and parts manufacturer from the '60s and '70s, who passed away earlier in 2014. Bob was from New Jersey and a top East Coast Pro racer of the '60s.


The Extravaganza will feature racing on all three of Modelville’s American Raceway tracks throughout the weekend. Action will take place on the green 135 foot American Hillclimb, the 95 foot black American Royal track, and the 220 foot American "Purple Mile" Sovereign, which is believed to be the only surviving example still in operation. All three tracks have been restored by Gary Gerding of Gerding Fast Tracks.


Racing will include the Group 7-68 class on the Hillclimb, Formula One/Indy FK on the Royal, and Can-Am FK on the Sovereign track. All car classes will use Pro Slot 4002-FK motors running the RETRO organization rules.

David Panich

Electric Dreams Online Shop