The idea of racing early Cobras and Corvettes was the brainchild of Larry Shephard. Larry was the consummate modeler and slot head who was the prime mover in organizing the annual slot car conventions. Sadly Larry and his good friend and slot car rival Rocky Russo recently passed. I think that the Cobra/Corvette Challenge class would have flourished if the Conventions had continued beyond 2005.
Our Cobra/Corvette challenge (CCC) class will be based upon the KISS principle (Keep it simple stupid). The place to start is with the 289/427, 1/24 Cobra. This model has the same wheelbase as the Scholer Can-Am cars. The Cobra is quite narrow but can be stretched to fit an unaltered Scholer Can-Am Chassis. Legal power plants include the Deathstar and the ProSlot 2002 Speed FX balanced sealed 16D. We are also experimenting with the ProSlot 2002 FK sealed motor. This class is meant to re-create early Cobra/Corvette racing, therefore cars will be limited to the 1953-1967 model years. In order to promote competitive diversity, bodies with approximately the same wheelbase will be selected and stretching and/or wheel flares will be allowed (but not required) to facilitate tracks that are equal. In addition, all that will be required is a body swap with an existing Scholer Can-Am car. Although the Cobra/Corvette challenge is a distinct class, we are racing these cars along with any Can-Am or Gran Sport ride. All three classes use the same chassis configuration and power plant.
The Cobra/Corvette Challenge should be a great class. In testing Cobras and Corvettes have turn nearly identical lap times. This class is limited to 1953 1967 models to re-create the rivalry of Chevy and Ford in that era. Again track has been specified in order to equalize the cars. The 1/24 1953 Corvette is the only model to be banned in the Cobra/Corvette Challenge because it is significantly longer wheelbase. Again, we are using the KISS principle. All that is needed to move from the Can-Am/Gran Sport class to the Cobra/Corvette Challenge class is a simple body swap.
More images to come!

Electron Raceway: Cobra/Corvette Challenge
Started by
, May 17 2015 08:00 AM
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