Several years ago, a group of racers in the Portland, Oregon area created a class called TA2. The class featured modern Camaros, Mustangs and Challengers. In order to promote competitive diversity where no one ride dominates, the class specified a ride height and allowed for fender flares to accommodate equal track both front and rear. The Scholer chassis is the standard (other H bracket chassis such as 2NASTE, Plafit, Scaleauto are also "legal". The Portland group uses a Sealed Super. These cars look great and inspired our Roseburg, Oregon group to follow Portlands lead. Our rules are nearly identical but the Super is too much motor for our tighter tracks and we use the Deathstar or ProSlot 2002 Speed FX balanced sealed 16D instead. We are also experimenting with the ProSlot 2002 FK sealed motor as we. The cars run very well and there seems not to be a favored ride.
TA2 and Historic Trans-Am cars utilize the same chassis and motor configuration. Currently we run both classes together.