Yes, the can material, design, openings, have an effect on what I call the "static gauss". Some cans allow for more leakage versus others. The more holes or less metal in a can, the less field gauss. Air gap affects the static and what I call the "field" gauss as well. Air gap does not change the static reading of the magnet itself. Air gap changes the field gauss where the arm lives. The tighter the air gap, the less amps the motor needs to spool up the armature. It's more efficient.
You always want to match the magnets inside the can you are going to use. Matching them outside the can will usually change the reading once inside the can and the magnets are repelling one another.
You could take ten motors cans... all the same design and mfg... put the same set of magnets in each can, take gauss readings and you will sometimes find different (of the same type and manufacture) cans give different readings. This has to do with the material in the can. Not all steel is the same out of the same sheet.
Now with that being said, a gauss reading does not tell the real story of magnets. What is important in a magnet of the same type, size, and material is two things... energy ( which you can not read with a gauss meter ) and loss of gauss when magnet gets heated. This can be measured. When a magnet gets hot, it demagnetizes or loses strength when getting hot. The way to check this is to put your magnets in a motor can, put can and magnets in a small toaster over, heat for five minutes at 250 degrees F (you want to try and duplicate what the motor sees on the track... example if you're running two minute heats, then stick set-up in oven for two minutes ) then pull set-up out of oven and take a gauss reading as quickly as possible. You will find that some weaker magnets do not lose as much gauss under heat compared to stronger reading magnets at room temp. This is showing you the resistance to the temp. So while a stronger mag (at room temp) may be stronger the first minute of a race, it could get weaker as the race goes on compared to a lower gauss magnet (at room temp) when heated up. Magnets lose gauss during this heat, cool-down, heat, cool-down cycle and hard hits knock the field out of alignment as well. When we zap magnets, we are realigning the field inside the cans and resaturating the magnet strength.
With that being said... different materials are used depending on the application. Ceramic magnets are the most popular in motors due to low cost and mass production. Ceramic magnets are used in the cheaper slot motors because of this and ceramic works well with Group 20 motors and down. Ceramic replaced Alnico because it was better and cheaper.
As a ceramic magnet gets smaller, it gains gauss, but loses energy. If you take a Mura ceramic magnet and shorten the length of it, you will find it has a higher gauss, but it has less brakes and punch due to loss of energy.
There are many different grades of ceramic material. The better the grade, the better the energy in most cases. Highest energy is best over gauss readings, unless you find two grades of material that have the same energy, then you want the higher gauss.
There are also two types of ceramic magnets... dry press and wet press. All ceramic slot mags are dry press. Dry press magnets have less piece loss during the manufacturing process compared to wet press. Dry press material is pressed into a mold using dry material.
Wet press material has water added to make the material into a slurry when pressed. Wet press magnets are stronger and have higher energy due to the alignment of the radial orientation during the manufacturing process. When ceramic magnets are pressed they are also kind of "charged" which turns the metal in the material into a radial arc if you will. It is easier to do this orientation when the material is wet versus dry. The better the orientation, the better gauss and energy. This is why you find different readings in magnets...some particles turned or aligned better in some magnets compared to others for what ever reason no matter if dry pressed or wet press. Wet press molds cost more to have made than dry press molds.
After the magnets come out of the molds, they are then "sintered". To find out more about the sintering process...... do a Google on "sintering".
There are also two type of ceramic magnets in the market place today. Molded magnets and machined magnets. Molded magnets are better as the flux lines in the magnets are radially aligned. Machined magnets are ground from ceramic blocks and the flux lines go straight through the material versus being radially aligned. Molded magnets are better performing, but cost more to make and you also have to buy a die. Machined magnets can be ground on a surface grinder with diamond coated wheels with no mold cost.
Some winds exceed the energy of ceramic magnets and that is a reason that cobalt material is used in other types of motors. Also, as motors got smaller, cobalts were used because they have higher energy in a smaller package while cobalt demagnetization is very high. Cobalt magnets don't lose their strength like a ceramic does under high temps. Cobalt and ceramic magnets gain back their strength when they cool down to a certain point.
All cobalt magnet in slot racing today or either ground to size or EDM cut from blocks of cobalt material. While pressed/molded cobalt magnets would perform better, no one wants to spend the tooling money to produce the various sizes and shapes used in cobalt motors today. Grinding or EDM cutting offers more options for the manufacturers at less cost.
Now in the new Falcon and TRS "FK" motors, they have Neodymium magnets. Neo magnets (depending on the grade used) are much stronger than ceramic magnets and in some cases stronger than the best cobalt grades. Neo mags are used in HO cars for traction magnets, not motor magnets. While Neos are very strong, they have very little resistance to heat. When a Neo gets hot, it loses its strength and the gauss does not come back like a ceramic or cobalt magnet does. Some Neos do not re-zap or magnetize very well after getting hot. You be the judge... take a Falcon 7 type "FK" magnet or motor, stick it in your oven at 250 degrees F, let it set for three to five minutes, take it out and take a gauss reading. Then let it cool down to room temp and take another reading and you will find it was not as strong after a heat cycle as it was when first read at room temp before sticking in the oven.
I did a test last month on some C-can sized Neo magnets... at room temp they had a gauss reading of 1400 (compared to a ceramic magnet reading of 800) I put them in the oven at 250 degrees F for three minutes, took them out and the reading was 400. When the Neos cooled to room temp, the reading was still 400. A ceramic magnet that read 800 at room temp, dropped to 730 at 250 degrees F for three minutes, but went back to 800 when cooled to room temp.
Neo magnets are not used in most slot motors for this reason. While they may be stronger, they have no resistance to heat. They have produced better grades over the years, but they are still not close to cobalt materials in heat resistance.
Champion Blue Dot magnets were the same material as the Champion White Dot magnets. Champion had the magnet manufacturer make a batch of magnets using the same material, but adding water to produce a wet press magnet. The magnet mfg told Champion they would never do that again as the magnets size specs were off and it damaged the die. The Blue Dots were stronger due to the wet press process, but Champion didn't want to spend the money at the time to make a correct die to wet press magnets. Today's Mura, Pro Slot C-can sized, dry press magnets are still better than a set of Blue Dots and that's because the material used today is much better than what was used 30 or so years ago.
To knock a ceramic magnet close to completely dead in gauss reading, you must get the magnet to over 400 degrees F. Your armature will be melted before your ceramic magnet ever gets that hot.
Soldering motors into chassis don't affect the gauss too much, unless you hold the iron on the motor for 4 or 5 minutes. A 30 to 60 second motor change doesn't affect the mag readings too much.