I had a super-nice guy come in last night with a bunch of stuff that he sold me because he was moving to Mexico.
Most of it was '90s, but he had raced even back at Hinsdale, and had some older stuff.
I haven't had time to go through all of it, but I found the below.
Looks like with the Trinity Peanut motor, the car may of been a Trinity production car, IIRC, sold for about $350 back in the very early 80's.
Anyway, I can easily make out the "LIMITED PRODUCTION" and "#5", and Mike Lady(?), but I can't figure out what is engraved before limited production. Something like "carrier"?
I thought Tony might have some insight.
Also pictured are a few older items.
A Dynamic car with a home rewind and a running Versitec 101.