NEW from DUFFY Heavy Metal Industries™,the PROTECTION that timid marshals have been begging for - the DUFFY™ BackHoeZa™!!
Yes, folks, you saw it here first (or maybe second if you've been browsing Facebook for a while): just the thing for those crash&burn D-mains, when you're afraid to reach for one deslotted car for fear the next is gonna take itself out and take a fingernail or two with it:
The BackHoeZa™, a fully articulated hand guard made of sturdy ABS, that wraps around your marshaling hand and extends up the forearm to ward off those errant missiles that always pop up when inattentive drivers don't bother to "listen ahead" - now, for the first time, you can boldly reach down and grab that deslot with total confidence!
The BackHoeZa™ will only be sold as an exclusive to slot track owners and managers in quantities reflecting their local marshaling conditions, and will be mandatory safety attire for all race events. Watch for upcoming announcements at your local track.