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The "Honey West" Cobra

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#1 robbovius


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Posted 20 January 2016 - 09:31 AM

This one should go relatively quickly.


another Ebay score described in the "All Cobras...etc'" thread, a nice NOS Dynamic Inline chassis, a Can Drive 16D motor, and a few other period parts, with a slightly age-yellowed Lancer 289 Cobra body.




I started the build Sunday morning, but - since the track time with the Classic Rat Cobra, and its old period tires - I'd decided to not use the NOS dynamic tires that came with it, and ordered some replacements from Scott at PCH (which showed up yesterday, thanks Scott!), and last night, after guitar lessons, drove out to Modelville and bought some more drill blank axles, as I only had one left in my parts bins. I'm not so enamored of how easily bendable the 5-40 threaded axles are... 


Thus supplied, after about 30 minutes screwing things together I had this...




...and, as I was texting with Pam at the time (this is another car for her after all) I set the body on it so she could get an idea of what it was looking like.










You  might notice that the drivers front wheel arch is above the tire, that's because the old lancer body has a it of twist in it. nothing that can't be solved by making the body mount resolve the twist. Also, I began to think the age-yellowing might make the upcoming white pant job look, well, yellow-ish, so I'd gottent another that's a modern molding which is clear and straight.




A couple minutes with the power supply running in the gears and determining motor rotation (its apparently commed at neutral timing, I could detect no increase in speed in either direction), adding a guide flag, and here, the running roller





I still have to massage the clamping strap for the body mounts, so that it clears the bushing on the motor endbell, but its pretty much all over but the painting. 


watch this space!





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#2 Pablo



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Posted 20 January 2016 - 03:35 PM


Paul Wolcott

#3 robbovius


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Posted 03 March 2016 - 09:50 AM

I know, takes me a while...


...but, here it is!




From its "good side"...




I soldered the body mount together, which made it easier to file some center clearance for the motor endbell...




and lastly here it is with its two favored stablemates...




You may notice that I swapped the rear wheels from the Rat Cobra (the 5-spoke Cox mags with the cut down Parma Tuna rubber) for the Pro Track Daytonas originally on the Honey West. yeah, the tunas are very 'Bouncy" and the rear end of the Rat Cobra would bounce all over the place if I hammered the throttle onto the front straight. the slightly harder compound of the Protracks helped that a bit


the Honey West is fast! whatever that 16D motor has going on, it really blasts along. takes a bit of management not to flip right over in the turns, but I have been able to put together consistent laps. needs  some weight on the guide flag, and smaller diameter fronts to get the flag in a little deeper. right now I've got the flag shimmed so much that there's only about one thread sticking out of the flag post nut. 


I've found on all three of these cars, about 1/2 oz on the chassis near the guide flag really helps keep it in the slot, if you don't drive like a hoon. 


Oh, yeah there's no "drive" in the car. this car is nominally for Pam, and she said "no Driver!" when I asked, and then added, "I'm the driver" This is fine with me, as, honestly, those tiny stone-face homunculae creep me out a little.


I think now, rather than moving on to another cobra (I have two more bodies) I'm goig to resurrect one of the cars from Harry's Toolbox. that oughtta be fun ;-)








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#4 dc-65x


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Posted 03 March 2016 - 11:24 AM

Looks good Robb, thanks for sharing you cool build :)


You said you have a couple more Cobra bodies and I have one of the "street windshield" Cobra bodies too. I always wanted to build a "race" version that has a smaller "racier" looking windscreen.


OK, the point of this babbling is, I found this picture on eBay and I think the back side of the windshield may have been cut off and the height lowered. What do you guys think? Has the back half of the windshield been cut off?



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#5 robbovius


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Posted 07 March 2016 - 01:03 PM

Thanks Rick. I know I'm not doing real showpieces like some of the others on the site, but I'm having quite a lot of fun messing around with slots again ;-) srsly good times.


close inspection of that pic you posted, it sure does look like the back plane of the molded windscreen was cut away. looks a bit like a 427 body, rather than the 289.

#6 dc-65x


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Posted 07 March 2016 - 01:23 PM

Thanks Robb, I might give that windshield trimming a try. And, thanks again for sharing your builds here!

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#7 Half Fast

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Posted 07 March 2016 - 03:00 PM

"Honey West" was a 1965 TV show about a lady detective starring Anne Francis





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#8 robbovius


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Posted 08 March 2016 - 12:21 PM

HF, sure was. Me and my girlfriend used to watch it all the time on the local MeTV channel hereabouts. Very kewl '60s show. 

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