Local clubs never stopped racing them. At some point in the early 1990 s this really picked up . You got them cheap from REH who I am told had container loads.
John, indeed nostalgia is a major factor. No one can dispute that.
Tazman , "so slow!" . YES ! But in 1968 we did not have the stuff we do now. A pro built car with coated tires on a modern milled track will amaze you.
Tim No need to choose between old cars and new. I have both! The cars from Wizzard Slottech and BSRT are great and have done much to help racers. However the struggle to be on top of the hill, beginning in the early 1990 s is commonly known in our Hobby/Sport as the Magnet Wars. 
The Magnet Wars began when Compressed magnets replaced ceramic ones. Manufactured by the three amigos for you it was important to have the latest thing. Then you go to the Nats and you learn something.
Do you really want a chance to win? Get ready to kiss ***.
In the late 1990 s , early 2000 s T jet racing really started to snowball with ECHORR and the FRAY. One factor leading to this growth is the Magnet Wars . A lot of racers found calm refuge after the storm of bullshit .
So I got some modern cars but none have the compressed magnets. I just do not run them classes.
But these Tjet and Gravity class racers are a blast to drive. I have been told by Rick Derosa that just as many racers race Tjets as all the other magnet cars combined. He would know. he machines rear hubs for Shep , Sluggo , BSRT and many of the rest, so....
So I say ENJOY. We are sill playing with the same toys we had before puberty . 
This is like I raced about 1970-71
Al Thurman"Everything you love, everything meaningful with depth and history, all passionate authentic experiences will be appropriated, mishandled, watered down, cheapened, repackaged, marketed, and sold to people you hate." Von Dutch [Kenneth R. Howard] 1929-1992
."If there is, in fact, a Heaven and a Hell, all we know for sure is that Hell will be a viciously overcrowded version of Pheonix." Dr Hunter S Thompson 1937-2005
Whither goest thou, America, in thy shiny car in the night?" - Jack Kerouac 1927-1969
"Hold my stones". Keith Stone
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