As all the previously pictured chassis have been tested, I have gotten the impression that the brass and wire concept has some bennies (along with some inherent weaknesses too) The mix of brass and wire seems to be a bit more damp and thus a little easier to drive in most of the applications so far.
The main weakness of course is the potential for the brass to bend from very hard hits. Of course, one could argue that a hit that hard would likely create other (possibly terminal) issues as well. The other possible caveat might be that continued pounding into sharply banked turns could produce a gentle overall bend in the chassis. I have not seen this yet but I am aware of the possibility. Thus, it seems that the brass must usually be supported by at least some wire.
Given that theme, I originally planned to build a straight rail car. But, I was admiring a pic of a Tony P tripod and realized that I hadn't built up a tripod in a while, so I did this instead.
- Two rail brass (real brass btw, not bronze welding rod)
- Single .055 tripod wire.
- R-Geo angled face bracket in .050"
- Warmack guide tongue w/offset.
- All flat brass is .032"
- W/B = 4.0" GL = .925" All up weight 105 gr.
Testing to come..............