The first installment of the My Series Fall endurance and JK Indy Car races were conducted at P1 Raceway in Winter Garden, Fl. on 9-10-2016. Seven teams signed up for the endurance race. The endurance races are 5 1/2 minute heats and we rotate through the lanes twice. Once again, the 2 Stooges made up of Terry Tawney and Dennis Demole was the class of the field winning by 29 laps.
On the podium are left to right:
Casey Riggs, Bob Herzog, Dennis Demole, Terry Tawney, Jordan Eber, Nathan Pickett
JK Indy Car:
The home racers came through to the front in this car class with raceway owner Marcus Ramos in 1st and Dale King in 2nd.
The overall podium: Dale King, Marcus Ramos, Terry Tawney
The group 2 podium: Tom Hobbs, Dale King, Joe Benkel