Well, We had severe flood conditions here a few days back and raining all day pretty much killing any outdoor projects ,so I decided to finish up one of my more simpler projects I have in my storage containers. Since this is NOT a pro build I will try and not bore you with too much not needed details here. Since the Classic Vipers are my FAVE of all the Classic brand cars,I am doing a few in different versions and looking for ONE more body for my last one. Wanted to do a bit of a more modernized version.I will keep this short.
This is a much later chassis with the drop arm and for a 36D. Took it all down and polished everything that could be .(Wheels,spacers,gear,nuts and drop arm weight) Then sealed the polishing. Cleaned everything else and installed NOS motor with repro gold decal. Added heavier,but super flexible 14 ga motor wire w/loops soldered on the guide shoe end for easy install. (How DID you guys ever get by with that TINY ,factory wire anyway back in the day? ) New braids on a NOS Classic guide shoe. New rear WHITE urethane tires copied off of my NOS Jumbos,and .250 O rings for the fronts. (If we ever get the matching white fronts successfully made,they will be installed .)The brass ring gear is just for the display case.If/when I ever run it,I have a few "Classitron" and several COX Nylon gears to use.
I am NOT a painter,but by bugging top car builder Mr. PABLO (AKA "coach" ), he guided me with some instruction and recommended using Acrylic through my new air brush on my repop Lexan body .Thanks again. I was MORE than pleased of the outcome.(Taping that driver's dome was a night mare to me. :/ ) This wasn't the BEST quality of body pull and shows a few mold flaws in it,but not a deal breaker.(More encouragement to actually use it on a track now.
And,simply installed back on the prepped chassis. I am seriously considering adding the Classic black/white center stripe full length and a black number/white back ground so it looks MORE like the one used in like 90% of the classic ads and parts packages. Again,not a really HUGE build,but its what I LOVE! A "futuristic" car of the 60's with a tiny bit of modernizing brought into the 21st Century?? lol