Hey gents,
hoping to get any feedback regarding these motors. We run these as a club motor with plafit type chassis and 10/38 tooth gearing in a side\slight angle winder setup. Care are generally between 120 to 150 grams total, using vac formed bodies.
Having got back into the club acing stuff locally here after a few years out of it, I'm finding these motors to be very unreliable? What is a good expected lifespan for a motor? a month? 4 race meetings?
I have to field 4 cars in total, 2 for myself and 2 for my kid, so at t a throw, it's 4 motors at a time. I believe I have sufficient skills to set up a quiet car, with a well lubricated drivetrain, nothing binding anywhere, and we can generally get into the top 6 as far as lap times go, but, I'm finding motors go "soft", or almost start to burn after a few race meetings?marshals etc can smell the motor\car and it ends up being mine. Recently installed for a 1 month series, 4 meetings of 12 minute racing per meeting, or, 48 minutes runtime, and the motor was too hot to touch after the last race?
previous 4 race meeting, that motor lasted 3 heats and started slowing down?
My kids motor had what looked like string coming out the cooling holes on his motor, which I carefully removed, but I think it was somehow "part" of the motor, or wrapped around the axle next to the stacks? I can see something similar on my other motor?
What is the correct setup procedure for these guys please? because my wallet, and my enthusiasm is starting to fade with the poor performance of these guys..
PS: other drivers have similar comments, and other drivers have no idea what we're talking about.. Are they THAT inconsistent?
I'd appreciate the correct run in process and any other feedback you guys who may also use the motors can provide..
Alan Paterson