Found this in an estate sale

Motor ID
Posted 17 March 2018 - 07:55 PM
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 17 March 2018 - 07:57 PM
SCX homeset motor?
- havlicek likes this
Steve King
Posted 17 March 2018 - 10:16 PM
SCX - 13D size in most current cars of their product with many variations of wind. A Chinese 16D arm should fit.
- Mark Wampler likes this
Larry D. Kelley, MA
retired raceway owner... Raceworld/Ramcat Raceways
racing around Chicago-land
Diode/Omni repair specialist
USRA 2023 member # 2322
IRRA,/Sano/R4 veteran, Flat track racer/MFTS
Host 2006 Formula 2000 & ISRA/USA Nats
Great Lakes Slot Car Club (1/32) member
65+ year pin Racing rail/slot cars in America
Posted 18 March 2018 - 06:42 AM
SCX homeset motor?
Steve is correct (of course!). It may be wearing a different badge (?) or maybe SCX has different names for them. They are about the same size as an old Mabuchi FJ13UO, come with mild winds on long stacks and a nice set of pretty strong ceramic magnets. They're easy to rewind, but also could accept 16D arms with maybe some fiddling to center the arm. The SCX motors (like RX42B and whatever else they're called) are a good substitute for the old Mabuchi, or even a nice basis for fiddling rewinding.
- Ramcatlarry, Mark Wampler, Keith Moister and 1 other like this
Posted 19 March 2018 - 12:50 PM
I put a wasp arm in one. Ran fine, but it could use better brushes and springs.
Posted 19 March 2018 - 07:52 PM
The magnets are pretty stout on this motor. I imagine it could support a #27 wire wind.
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 20 March 2018 - 01:35 PM
The wimpy springs and brush hoods wouldn't support a hot wind. I wouldn't try anything hotter than a contender,
or at most an X-12.
Posted 20 March 2018 - 01:37 PM
Sure looks like a work around to beef up or do an end bell exchange would make it a powerful motor, but could see it best used on the drag strip.
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 20 March 2018 - 11:48 PM
This is a current Johnson motor as I understand. Old 16D (small) brushes. Guess what - the JK (Hawk-6) or Proslot (4000 series) endbells can be fit with a bit of persuasion
- Mark Wampler likes this
Larry D. Kelley, MA
retired raceway owner... Raceworld/Ramcat Raceways
racing around Chicago-land
Diode/Omni repair specialist
USRA 2023 member # 2322
IRRA,/Sano/R4 veteran, Flat track racer/MFTS
Host 2006 Formula 2000 & ISRA/USA Nats
Great Lakes Slot Car Club (1/32) member
65+ year pin Racing rail/slot cars in America