Yes, the reign over RetroPalooza now rests with Keith Libby who was able to hold off Chubby and win the title by 1 point! Keith had 65 points to Chubby's 64. Chubby is the Underboss. Dom Luongo tried to rise in the ranks but remain Consiglieri! Dom had 53 points.
The Top "Soldiers" are:
Ed "Edsel" Sohl
Brian "XPro" Cochrane
Dale "Purpose Driven" Yamashita
Greg “Foxy” Fox

RP 9: Keith Libby is the new "Don"
Posted 11 June 2018 - 12:09 PM
- Tim Wilkins, elinsley and Racer36 like this
Joe "Noose" Neumeister
Sometimes known as a serial despoiler of the clear purity of virgin Lexan bodies. Lexan is my canvas!
Noose Custom Painting - Since 1967
Chairman - IRRA® Body Committee - Roving IRRA® Tech Dude - "EVIL BUCKS Painter"
"Team Evil Bucks" Racer - 2016 Caribbean Retro Overall Champion
The only thing bad about Retro is admitting that you remember doing it originally.
Posted 11 June 2018 - 12:15 PM
Congratulations, Keith! I wasn't there, just watched the laps turn on my computer screen but Keith was competitive in every race
"If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough" - Mario Andretti
Posted 11 June 2018 - 12:31 PM
Congrats, Keith!
Anthony 'Tonyp' Przybylowicz
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 11 June 2018 - 01:55 PM
- Danny Zona likes this
Posted 12 June 2018 - 05:22 AM
Posted 12 June 2018 - 06:09 AM
Well done!
Posted 12 June 2018 - 07:52 AM
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Anthony 'Tonyp' Przybylowicz
Requiescat in Pace