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2018-19 Ohio Challenge Cup rulebook

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#1 Justin A. Porter

Justin A. Porter

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Posted 01 August 2018 - 07:54 AM

Ohio Challenge Cup

Official Rulebook 2018-2019


Section 1 – General Rules


The Ohio Challenge Cup is a traveling series, founded with the goal of providing Flexi racers a venue for fair, cost-contained, and fun racing at a variety of raceways within Ohio and its neighboring states.


    1. Series Function: The Ohio Challenge Cup exists to schedule races, maintain a concise rulebook, promote Stamped Steel or “Flexi” racing, and present awards to recognize the accomplishments of its racers

    2. Board of Directors: To ensure the effectiveness of the OCC, three Board of Directors positions must be filled.

    3. Series Director: The Series Director is the series ultimate arbiter, acting as liaison to both Track Owners and Manufacturers, arranging the series schedule and acting to resolve race day conflicts in breach of the series Code of Conduct. The Series Director also acts as the series' traveling race director to ensure consistency from race to race. 2018-19 Series Director, Justin Porter

    4. Technical Director: The Technical Director is the series technical adviser, responsible for checking all cars at Tech to ensure consistency in all races. The Technical Director also reviews all submitted components for future approval. 2018-19 Technical Director, Eric Shirey

    5. Treasurer: The Series Treasurer collects all entry fees upon race day, ensuring both Track Owner and Series receive their accurate amounts as well as negotiates purchases for the Ohio Challenge Cup including but not limited to plaques, trophies, and the equipment for the Season Finale Enduro. 2018-19 Treasurer, Ron Vincek


    1. Race Day Procedure: The Ohio Challenge Cup sanctions races at participating tracks with the intent of offering its competitors a fair and consistent program. To this end, these procedures are to be followed at each event on the calendar.

    2. Practice: The day will open with open practice from doors-open at 8:00am until the announced “Tech” time. Except in unusual circumstances, this should be no later than 10:00am.

    3. Entry Fees: An entry fee of $7 per class will be collected at the time of tech by the Treasurer, as well as a $5 Practice and $5 Lunch fee. $2 of each entry fee is kept by the Ohio Challenge Cup for administrative use with the remainder belonging to the participating raceway.

    4. Tech: The Tech process will be performed by the Technical Director for ALL divisions at the close of practice using the Ohio Challenge Cup designated Tech Tools. In the event of a dispute, the Series Director will review the measurement with a second copy of the same tool.

    5. Tech Sheets: Tech sheets will be supplied by the Treasurer for all three divisions with corresponding information for each division's car. It is expected that they be filled out to the best of the racer's ability for promotional and rule-making purposes. Sheets with required fields (Name, Home Raceway, Body, Chassis, Gearing) not completed will be considered a tech failure and car and sheet will be returned to the participating racer to be completed. ADDENDUM: Home Raceway MUST be an active commercial or club raceway.

    6. Order of Events: The Race Day will begin when the last car is passed through tech, at which point the first group of GT1-B racers will be grouped. The racing will then proceed as follows with the lowest seeded main starting first.

      - Racers Meeting

      - GT1 B

      - GT1 A

      - Lunch/Group 10 and GTP Qualifying

      - Group 10

      - GTP

    7. Division of Racers: In the interest of fair and clean racing, in the event of a field of 12 racers or fewer in a division the race format will be a Round Robin. In the event of 13 or more racers, the race format will be Split Mains who will be scored collectively.

    8. Division of Mains: In the interest of keeping the racing day as brief as possible, every effort will be made to group mains into full fields of 8 to 11 racers. As such, when running two or more mains the series will default to ROUND ROBIN format races whenever possible to prevent overlong race days.


    1. Qualifying: In an effort to create more balanced racing and to bring the Ohio Challenge Cup in line with other touring series, Group 10 and GTP will qualify to set their groups.

    2. Qualifying Time: Each racer's qualifying attempt will be 60 seconds, from which their fastest lap will be counted.

    3. Qualifying Order: Order of qualifying will be set by order of tech.

    4. Qualifying Marshals: Qualifying will be marshaled by ALL PARTICPATING racers. Failure to Marshal will result in suspension of lap time and placement in the lowest seeded qualifying position.

    5. Lane Choice: After mains are set, lane choice will start with the highest seeded racer in that main and continue from there until all racers have their lane placed. GT1 lane assignments will remain At Random in both A and B. GT1 Main assignment will be set according to season points.


    1. Race Format: Ohio Challenge Cup races are structured to allow for tight but friendly racing on a variety of tracks with an emphasis on fun and a brief as possible racing day.

    2. Race Length: Ohio Challenge Cup races will consist of eight (8) heats with each heat being two (2) minutes in length

    3. Starting Line: Cars will be distributed to their racers by the Series Director to be taken to the Raceway designated starting line, where they will be lined up with their front bumpers on the line.

    4. End of Race: When power goes off at the end of the final heat, the Series Director or Treasurer will collect the cars from the track in the order requested by the Technical Director who will note finishing panel number. The recording Board member will remove lane stickers and INITIAL THEM with DIVISION and RACER's INITIALS to use as finishing markers in the event of a tie at panels.

    5. Impound: All cars are impounded at tech until the conclusion of their division's races.

    6. Podium Cars: The Top Three cars in a given division may be subject to a post race tech at the discretion of the Technical Director in co-ordination with the Raceway Owner. The Top Three cars and racers will also be photographed for promotional and celebratory purposes.

    7. Points:  Points shall be awarded per the overall results in each division using the following table. 
      - 1st place: 180 points
      - 2nd place: 170 points
      - 3rd place: 165 points
      - 4th place: 160 points
      - 5th place: 155 points
      - 6th place: 150 points
      - 7th place: 146 points
      - 8th place: 142 points
      - 9th place: 138 points
      -10th place: 134 points
      -11th place: 130 points
      - 12th place until lowest finishing position awarded in descending 3 point intervals.

    8. Attendance Bonus: Any Racer attending all eight (8) races of the 2017-18 season will be awarded an additional ten (10) bonus points per division.

    9. Points Drops: All racers will have their two lowest points scores dropped at the end of the season. Absences will count towards drops. 

    10. Points Ties: In the event of a tie, the tiebreaker will first be number of wins. If neither tied racer has wins, it will go to their highest finish.


    1. Racer Conduct: To ensure a fair and friendly atmosphere for all participants, racers should consider themselves not only competitors but also ambassadors for their home tracks and the sport as a whole. To this end, the series asks and enforces a racer Code of Conduct.

    2. Marshaling: All racers are expected to marshal the divisions in which they participate. At the beginning of each race, the Series Director will announce marshaling assignments which must be filled.

    3. Track Calls: Track Calls are to be made by Turn Marshals or the Competition Director for the following situations.
      - Car out of reach
      - Car on floor
      - Damaged Car which is To Be Returned to Its Racer at which point the race will continue

    4. Rider: Racers, Marshals, and the Technical Director are all at their discretion to announce a Rider.

    5. Missed Laps: A car that has traveled past the lap counter without counting will have its lap added through the lap counting software without losing distance covered in the event of the off. In the event of a recurring lost lap, a track call will be called to determine if track or racer's car is at fault. In the case of the track being at fault, repairs will be made. In the case of a racer's car being at fault, the race will continue while the racer makes needed repairs.

    6. Track Software Failure: In the event of a software failure during a Main, the Main will be re-started at Heat One. Raceways are expected to have all Software and Wiring in functioning order. Recurring issues (more than one software failure in one main) will result in a drop being issued for the affected race.

    7. Verbal Conduct: The Ohio Challenge Cup will not tolerate abusive or profane language directed at fellow competitors, turn marshals, raceways, or the series officials.

    8. Unsportsmanlike Conduct: On track conduct should reflect fair and respectful behavior. Knowingly driving with the intent to damage track or fellow racer's property will not be tolerated.

    9. Violations: In the event of a Code of Conduct Violation, a Series Official has five grades of penalty to be levied upon the participant in question.
      1StVerbal Warning

      2ndTen Lap Penalty
      3rdDismissal from Race without Points or Refund
      4thDismissal from Event without Points or Refund
      5thDismissal from the Ohio Challenge Cup

      By Entering an Ohio Challenge Cup Event, all participants agree to this Code of Conduct.


These are the complete official Ohio Challenge Cup OCC Rules that apply to all OCC Classes. In the case of a discrepancy between these General Rules and an individual Class Spec Sheet, or any other information, the General Rules apply over all class specific rules. In the event of a contradiction of rules, notify the OCC Director, presently Justin Porter and/or the OCC Technical Director, presently Eric Shirey for an immediate ruling. It will then be clarified prior to the next scheduled event.


    1. Objective of the Series Rulebook: To Maintain a set of rules for all Racers to follow which is equal for all racers, as well as provide a viable racing platform for manufacturers and raceways alike, focused on Cost-Containment, Fairness, and Stability.



    1. Technical Director Ruling: Technical Director's ruling on any matter applies over these or any other Rules. The Technical Director may allow, at his sole discretion, a grace period of ONE event after notifying the Member of the needed change.


    1. Commercial Availability: All products requiring series approval (chassis, motors, bodies) used in the OCC Series must be available from EITHER 1 Major Wholesaler (ERI, Eagle, REH) OR through Manufacturer Direct Sale TO RACEWAYS at the start of the season. No component without WHOLESALE availability will be considered for future legality.


    1. Controllers: No controller may have power from batteries, or any source other than the track. Controllers may be home-made, provided that they meet the requirements of the individual Class, as stated in the Rules for that Class.


    1. Bodies: Specific bodies are approved for each OCC Class. These are published on the Rules, and in individual Class Spec Sheets for each specific Class.

    2. New bodies may be submitted for approval for the following year’s season.

    3. No air control of any type may be added to any body.

    4. Diaplanes or “Splitters” molded into the body may be retained or removed

    5. Body must completely cover chassis when viewed from directly above

    6. Body must be painted a minimum of One (1) opaque color

    7. Body must have windshield and windows clear where applicable; rear windshields may be painted over where applicable

    8. Body must have Three (3) numbers a minimum of one half-inch (0.5”) tall,

    9. Body must have One (1) sponsor a minimum of one quarter-inch (0.25”) tall

    10. Paint Scheme and/or Sponsor may not be of an obscene or profane nature, as per ruling of Series Director AND Participating Track Owner




    1. Driver Figures: all bodies must have a painted and detailed, using paint and/or markers, 1/24th scale 3-D driver figure, with a head w/helmet, arms, shoulders, and a steering wheel in the normal position in the car. Driver figures molded into body must be painted, and detailed using paint and/or markers. At least 2 colors must be used. No paper drivers in any Class. Driver figure and interior must block view of the chassis when viewed from above.


    1. Component Submission: Component Submission for consideration will open June 1st, 2019. All submissions are to be made to the Technical Director for testing and approval. Submission will close June 30th, 2019 with final approval to come with the publication of the 2019-20 Rulebook on August 1st, 2020.

    2. Components are to first be considered upon dimensional requirements as per the General and Class Specific Rules.

    3. Components are to then be tested to determine whether or not they present an inherently insurmountable advantage over existing equipment. An insurmountable advantage is determined at a greater than 0.2 second advantage over class baseline components at both a Long (>110') and Short (<110') track.

    4. Baseline Components are outlined in Class Specific Rules


    1. Chassis Rules


• 8.1 Chassis permitted (all Classes):

  • Champion Turbo Flex (#CHA420)

  • JK Products Cheetah 11 (#JKP250112C, #JKP25011C, #JKP25011D)

  • JK Products Cheetah 21 (#JKP25021, #JKP25021D)

  • JK Products Cheetah X25 (#JKPX25)

  • Mossetti Patriot Striker (#MR1002, #MR1006, #MR1006R)

  • Mossetti Patriot Trio (#MR1003, #MR1008)

  • Mossetti Defender (#MR2006)

  • Mossetti Defender Trio (#MR2003)

  • Parma Flexi (#PAR588)

  • Parma Flexi5 (#PAR605)

  • ProSlot Speed FX (#PSL5000, #PSL5001)

  • JK Products Cheetah Aeolos (#JKPC43)

  • Mossetti Defender (#MR2002, #MR2007)

  • Mossetti Defender Trio (#MR2008, #MR2009)


• 8.1.2 Chassis Components permitted (all classes)



  • Turboflex center section (#CHA418)
    - Turboflex outer pan (#CHA419)
    - Turboflex outer pan, aluminum (#CHA419A)


JK Products


  • JK Center Section .025” (#JKP250132C)

  • JK Cheetah 11 C-can Center Section (#JKP25013C)

  • JK Cheetah 21 Center Section (#JKP25022)

  • JK Cheetah 21 D-can Center Section (#JKP25022D)

  • JK X25 0.9mm Center Section (#JKPX25C)

  • JK Cheetah pans .030” (#JKP25012)

  • JK Cheetah pans .025” (#JKP250122)

  • JK Cheetah 21 pan .035” (#JKP25023)

  • JK Cheetah 11 one piece pan (#JKPX24P)

  • JK Cheetah 11 one piece aluminum (#JKPX24PA)

  • JK X25 0.9mm pan (#JKPX25P)

  • JK Cheetah 7 aluminum pans (#JK25047AL)

  • JK Cheetah 7 pans (# JK25047)

  • JK Cheetah 7 center section (#JK2533)




  • Mossetti Patriot Striker Center Section (#MR1012)

  • Mossetti Patriot Trio Center Section (#MR1013)

  • Mossetti Patriot Defender Center Section (#MR2012)

  • Mossetti Striker steel pan (#MR1022)

  • Mossetti Trio steel pans (#MR1023)

  • Mossetti Striker aluminum pan (#MR1024)

  • Mossetti Striker red anodized pan (#MR1024R)




  • Flexi 1 center section (#PAR588B)

  • Flexi 1 outer pan, wide (#PAR588A)


JK Products


  • Cheetah Aeolos center section (#JKPC26C)

  • Cheetah Aeolos center section, stiffer (#JKPC26T)

  • Cheetah Aeolos outer pan (#JKPC26P)

  • Cheetah Aeolos outer pan, aluminum (#JKPC26PA)




  • Patriot Defender steel pan (#MR2022, #MR1022N)

  • Patriot Defender steel ultralight pan (#MR2024)

  • Patriot Trio aluminum pans (#MR2025)

  • Patriot Trio steel ultralight pans (#MR2026, #MR1023N)

  • Patriot anodized pan (#MR1024BN, #MR1026)

  • Patriot aluminum pan (#MR1025)



• 8.1.3 You may not "mix" brands of chassis parts. "Chassis parts" are defined as the center section and pan(s).



• 8.2 Clearance:


• 8.2.1 Rear clearance must be .050” and is checked as follows: If the tech plate (or other gauge) placed flat under the chassis at the rear axle, MOVES the car, it is too low, and must be reset and re- presented for Tech before racing. This applies under the gear as well as the rear of the chassis.


• 8.2.2 In the event of an in-race tech, car must have a minimum .050" clearance under the rear of the chassis, AND a minimum rear tire diameter of .750” in GT1 division.


• 8.2.3 Front/Side clearance: All Cars/Chassis must clear by .030 between the tech block/ track surface and bottom of chassis/car. Car will be checked with braid FLAT and car sitting on tech block, with guide flag sitting in un-recessed slot. In addition, any car that the Tech Director feels might damage the track surface will not be allowed to race, or will be "black flagged" during the race until repairs are made and approved.


• 8.2.4 Maximum tire Diameter for GT1 is .800 and Minimum tire Diameter for GT1 is .750, all other classes are open. This is a fixed gear ratio class and not to be played with by tire diameter.


• 8.2.5 Width: Maximum Width is to be 83mm at the chassis pans, measured at the center of the pans. The 83mm width maximum also applies at the outer edges of the rear tires


• 8.3 Chassis modifications: A " Modification" is defined an any change or addition requiring cutting, grinding, gluing, fastening using screws, or soldering, or the addition of any component other than as specifically permitted in the Rules.


• 8.3.1 No cutting, bracing or grinding of the chassis is permitted, except as specifically allowed here.


• 8.3.2 May file or grind motor mount for better mesh, but must retain motor mount.


• 8.3.3 May grind off plating only where/when soldering is intended.


• 8.3.4 May add floating or fixed pin tubes in all Classes.


• 8.3.5 May solder front axle at uprights, but front wheels must rotate on their axle.


• 8.3.6 May use "light" pans, of aluminum or steel from the same manufacturer as the center pan; must assemble with no chassis modification to be legal.


• 8.3.7 May tape chassis, or tape or solder lead weight to chassis to affect handling.


• 8.3.8 Bracing:


• May add one "c" shaped (max. .062"diameter); piano wire rear chassis upright brace, or add the Slick 7 EDM Chassis Upright Brace or may add a max. 1" long (max. .062") piano wire motor brace. If using a motor brace, motor must be soldered to the brace. Not more than 1 brace (manufacturer supplied or racer fabricated), may be used.


• The front axle may not be soldered to the center of the chassis as a brace.




• 8.4 NO Bearings in Chassis: oilite or bronze bushings in the rear axle holes only.


• 8.5 Any other chassis modification is illegal.



9.0 Replacing parts during a race: cars must finish with the original chassis parts and body, this includes center and side pans. Any other part may be replaced with another part which follows the OCC Rules for the Class, during a race. ie guide flags, axle bushings, body clips and/or pins. Cars which have had major components replaced during the course of the race (motor, guide, tires) will be subject to post-race tech at the discretion of the Techinical Director.



OCC GT-1 (A for Professional, B for Amateur )


  1. - Purpose: OCC GT-1 is a Class designed to contain the costs and performance of flexi-type slot cars, offering a class with close competition and tightly controlled tuning options


    1. – GT1 Division Separation: GT1 racers are to be separated into a GT1 A and GT1 B group, to be raced, scored, and awarded season points separately.

    2. - GT1 B is to be comprised of novice and/or casual racers, grouped based upon prior performance, amount of experience, and where data is lacking, at the recommendation of their Home Track Owner.

    3. - GT1 A is to be comprised of veteran racers and/or racers of note within the hobby, grouped based upon prior performance within the Ohio Challenge Cup, notable performance within the past 3 years in National or Regional championships, Premier Events, and where data is lacking, the recommendation of their Home Track Owner

    4. - Within the Ohio Challenge Cup, there are three methods that ensure a move-up from GT1 B to GT1 A, those being to win the GT1 B championship, to win an OCC Group 10 event, and to win an OCC GTP event. The move from GT1 B to GT1 A will occur at the first event of the following season.


3.0 Controllers

  • Any electronic or resistor controller allowed as long as it does not add power. All cars must be powered by track power only.


    1. Chassis: see General Technical Rules.



5.0 Gearing:

  • 64 Pitch: 10 tooth pinion/ 36 tooth spur

  • 72 or 80 pitch gearing not permitted

  • Solid Steel Axles Only, only allowed 3/32”


6.0 Body Rules

• 6.1 May run any body style from approved list. *

• 6.2 Driver figures: see General Technical Rules.

• 6.3 Must use an interior and detailed driver (similar to Parma 808); windows must be left clear.

• 6.4 Decoration: See General Technical Rules.

• 6.5 Must retain a min. 1mm. (.039") "vertical" front bumper. “Splitter” area on OS-294, OS-285, JK 7112, RF-SC34C, and RFSC99C is NOT measured vertical bumper.

• 6.6 Rear must retain 1/16" "bumper" below wing.

• 6.7 Approved OCC GT-1 Bodies- Updated as new bodies are released suitable for Class.




  • Mercedes GT1 (#1044, #1044b)

  • Zonda GT1 (#1019, 1019b)


JK Products


  • Audi R8C (#JKP7182A, #JKP7182B)

  • Bentley (#JKP7197A, #JKP7197B)

  • Bentley '03 (#JKP7207A, #JKP7207B)

  • Mercedes CLR (#JKP7183A, #JKP7183B)

  • Porsche GT1 (#JKP7178A, #JKP7178B)

  • Mazda Dyson (#JKP7215A, #JKP7215B

  • Peugeot 908 (#JKP7213A, #JKP7213B)




  • Mercedes (#OS-088)

  • Peugeot 908 (#OS-294)

  • Audi R8C (#OS-285)

  • Bentley EXP (#OS-286)

  • Porsche EVO (#OS-287)




  • McLaren 650S GT3 (OLG0119, OLG0119T)*




  • Ferrari 458 (KZA0116, KZA0116T)*

  • Corvette (KZA0117, KZA0117T)*


Red Fox


  • Audi Coupe (#RF-SC34C)

  • Bentley (#RF-SC26C, #RF-SC26C5)

  • Porsche (#RF-SC28C)

  • Peugeot 908 (#RF-SC99C)



    1. Motors - *Motor is to be either the JK Retro Hawk motor (any version) or the Pro Slot PS4002FK.

    2. - PS4002FK (Blue Seal) must have seal present and covering a minimum of TWO endbell screws.

Motors may not be tampered with (ie. bending brush holders, squeezing of can to move magnets closer to the armature, soldering of bushings, etc.).




1.0 Purpose: OCC LMP is a Class designed to provide racers with an easy entry into motor-building and blueprinting while maintaining a "sports car" body.


2.0 General Rules apply.


3.0 Gearing: Any Pitch Gears, 3/32 or 1/8 axles, NO hollow axles.


4.0 Controllers: any


5.0 Body Rules

• 5.1 May run any body from the approved list.

• 5.2 Car must have full interior- NO card stock interiors, or paper drivers are permitted.

• 5.3 Driver figures must comply with General Rules.

• 5.4 Interior/driver must block view of chassis.

• 5.5 Decoration: See General Technical Rules.

• 5.6 Must retain a min. .037 (1.0 mm.) "vertical" front bumper.

• 5.7 May retain diaplane on bodies w/ diaplane molded in but may NOT add a diaplane that protrudes from the front of the car.

• 5.8 Rear of the body: a minimum 1/16" rear "bumper"- must retained, measured down from the top of the molded-in spoiler or lip of the body.

• 5.9 Approved Bodies- OCC LMP Group 10 Class: Updated as new bodies are released

suitable for Class


JK Products


  • BMW LMP (#JKP7184A, #JKP7184B)

  • Cadillac (#JKP7185A, #JKP7185B)

  • Audi R8 Open (#JKP7192A, #JKP7192B)

  • Lola BO5 (#JKP7204A, #JKP7204B)

  • Mazda Courage (#JKP7205A, #JKP7205B)

  • Lola LMP (#JKP7214A, JKP7214B)

  • Lola w/rib (#JKP7216A, #JKP7216B)




  • Audi R10 (#MAR956)*

  • Toyota, traditional wing (#MAR950)*




  • Dome LMP (#PAR1048UA, #PAR1048UB)

  • MG (#PAR1083A)




  • BMW (#OS-065)

  • Audi R10 (#OS-291)

  • Audi R15 (#OS-295)

  • Cadillac (#OS-289)

  • Lola (#OS-290)

  • Acura (#OS-293)

  • Audi R18 (#OS-296)


Red Fox


  • ISRA Audi (#RFAudiISRA)

  • Lola C (#RFSC267C)

  • Acura (#RFSC40C)

  • Audi R10 (#RFSC33C)

  • Caddy (#RFSC32C)

  • Audi R18 (#RFSC100C)

  • Nissan (#RFSC10C2)



6.0 OCC LMP Group 10 Motor Rules (Balanced 16D).

• 6.1 Commercially Available Complete motor- 16D "balanced"(Excluding Outlaw/Short Stack Short Wind motors, see 6.3.4) w/ "American" or OEM arms, and approved cans and endbells.

• 6.2 Commercially Available 16D Setups: A "setup" is defined as a motor, less the armature, including: can, magnets, endbell, oilite bushings, and brush hoods. Inside can dimensions: .600H. X .875W. X .950L.

o 6.2.1 Airgap to be .575 or larger.

• 6.3 Approved 16D Armatures: ANY factory- tagged "16D" armature.

o 6.3.1 All armatures other than stock "Chinese" must be tagged: "16D"- if tags are lost, or un-readable in the opinion of the Tech Inspector, the motor may not be raced.

o 6.3.2 Any OEM ("Chinese") armature may be used. (may be untagged)

o 6.3.3 Armatures may be balanced and commutators trued.

o 6.3.4 Armature dimension: .513 min. diameter excl. coating; .600 min. stack length. 70 turns of 30 GA wire (.0099- .0101" excl. insulating varnish). No split stack or lamination armatures.

• 6.4 Motor Modifications:

o 6.4.1 May not modify can except to solder in bushing/bearing and straighten to original (USRA 16D) specs.

o 6.4.2 Can must be "full" (no strap cans) and may have the following cutouts only: hole top and bottom, axle notches on front and/or back.

o 6.4.3 May add can screws, and spacers to limit end-play.

o 6.4.4 May use any 16D brush hoods, but may not modify brush hoods, except to solder brush hoods to hood plates.

o 6.4.5 May add Mura end-bell hardware to any 16D motor.

o 6.4.6 Any 3 coil replacement springs and any brushes may be used; aluminum or brass spring cups may be used as replacements.

o 6.4.7 NO spring insulation, shunts, or heat sinks allowed.

o 6.4.8 May use any 16D one piece single (no quads) ceramic magnets . 560H X .650L X.145TJ.

o 6.4.9 May use any adhesive to bond magnets to can.

o 6.4.10 May not hone to size.

o 6.4.11 May remove magnet clips.

o 6.4.12 May dye armature.

o 6.4.13 Armatures may have any timing, may be rebalanced, and commutators may be trued.

o 6.4.14 May add bearing in can end (gear side) only



  1. All OCC Chassis rules apply to this class. { See Technical rules }

    1. Bodies are high-downforce.

    2. Chassis are the same as the other OCC Classes, so skills learned in GT-1, and LMP carry over to GTP.

2.0 General Rules apply.

3.0 Gearing: May run any gears, 3/32 or 1/8 axles, NO hollow axles.

4.0 Controllers: any

5.0 Body:

• 5.1 May run any of the bodies from approved list.

• 5.2 Painting and decoration: See General Technical Rules.

• 5.3 Coupe (enclosed) bodies must have full interior- such as Parma GTP interior; NO card stock interiors, or paper drivers are permitted. Driver figures must be painted, and detailed using markers or paint.

• 5.4 Open bodies with molded-in driver figures must have driver detailed, using paint, or marker. Open bodies with no molded in driver must have a driver and interior such as Parma 808, painted and detailed, added. Interior/driver must block view of chassis.

• 5.5 Must retain a min. 1mm. (.039") "vertical" front bumper.

• 5.6 Rear of body may be fully cut out.

• 5.7 Approved Bodies- OCC GTP Class; any approved OCC GT-1 OR LMP body, Updated as new bodies are released suitable for Class PLUS:





  • Rogue (#HSPGTR05, #HSPGTR07, #HSPGTR10)


JK Products


  • Ultimate 908 HD (#JKP70141A, #JKP70141B)

  • Peugeot Ultimate (#JKP70701A, #JKP70701B)




  • Audi R18 (#MAR952)*

  • Evolution (#MAR953)*

  • Speedmax (#MAR954)*

  • Epsilon (#MAR955)*




  • Bentlee USRA update (#OS-369)

  • Bentlee (#OS-068)

  • Bentlee HS (#OS-069)

  • Bentlee B3 (#OS-363)*

  • Ult. Mercedes (#OS-066)

  • Caddy (#OS-067)

  • Audi GTP (#OS-342)

  • Acura GTP (#OS-343)




  • Magnum WSC (#PAR70505A, #PAR70505B)

  • Ultimate Intrepid (#PAR70519A, PAR70519B)

  • Storm WSC (#PAR70516A, #PAR70516B)

  • Lola HD (#PAR70524A, #PAR70524B)

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Ralph Thorne Racing


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6.0 GTP Motor Rules:

• 6.1 Sealed Pro Slot 4002 FK (Blue Seal) OR Sealed ProSlot PS4007 “Scorpion” (Red Seal) motor, may change the brushes and Springs. No other modifications are allowed to the motor unless specified below.

• 6.2 Any 3 coil replacement springs and replacement brushes may be used.

• 6.3 Motor Seal must cover at least TWO endbell screws to be considered complete seal





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Posted 16 January 2019 - 10:31 AM

Any changes since these rules were publised? Thanks Bill
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#3 Justin A. Porter

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Posted 16 January 2019 - 11:14 AM

None. The Ohio Challenge Cup freezes its rulebook for the duration of the season, with new components and procedures only coming in during the off-season.

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Posted 16 January 2019 - 12:58 PM

Thanks just wanted to be sure I got the right bodies.

Bill Fulmer

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#5 Dave Buchholz

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Posted 08 July 2019 - 09:44 PM

What I don't understand is since tracks raced in the OCC series differ in length and configuration, why is the GT class gear ratio restricted to 10/36. Doesn't make sense to me thgat we so many choices of chassis and bodies that gearing is fixed.


I  do understand the sealed motor aspect though

#6 Dave Buchholz

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Posted 08 July 2019 - 10:23 PM

Additional question on chassis rules: is deburring of chassis component edges considering illegal as part of " NO Modifications, NO Grinding" etc. or is that consider a normal part of chassis prep?

#7 Justin A. Porter

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Posted 12 July 2019 - 08:53 AM

The fixed gearing is meant to serve as both a leveling factor, a novice "Point of Reference" in setup, and as a speed restriction to keep GT1 speeds down as compared to GTP. 

The class has held a spec gear ratio rule since its introduction as part of the Tri-State Road Racing Series, when it was 501 Deathstars at a spec 8/28 48p gear.

As to deburring chassis component edges, yes. Too much of a slippery slope of "Well, you see, I had a REALLY BIG burr on that portion". With the weight wars already in full effect throughout the Flexi world, some controls have to be in place. 

In essence, if you don't think you could get it past an ISRA Production 24 tech inspector, we're not going to be all smiles either. lol

#8 Dave Buchholz

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Posted 29 July 2019 - 07:57 AM

 Justin, thank you for your responses., I am trying to consolidate some rules for intertrack racing for the Rochester NY and Syracuse NY tracks using the OCC rules as a basis for competition for GTP events, Some guys have previously raced in Ohio events.


It is at their suggestion that the rules standards for the OCC series would seem helpful in that regard to allow  the racers a  greater  number of eligible events possible both locally and regionally for the configuration of cars  we may use.


. Many seem interested in the sealed motor classes of the GTP format under OCC rules, and Goup F cars under USRA rules to help even the playing field from giving master motor builders,  what is considered by some, to be an unfair advantage  of having access to equipment  tools such as lathes, and  balancers that an average local racer does not have available.



So, An additional question that came up for GTP is:


Has consideration been made for 2020 rules concerning trimming or cutting off excess length of armature shafts?


Specifics in question is the sealed Proslot 4002FK  motor with the long endbell side shaft.


We do not see or find where any rule states that shortening either the can side shaft for tire clearance, or shortening the excess length of the endbell side is allowed.


We therefore must assume since it is not mentioned specifically that it was not legal in the 2019 rules.


Can you please verify the specifics of this question for 2020 OCC GTP rules.


 Thanks again,


Dave Buchholz

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#9 Dave Buchholz

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Posted 29 July 2019 - 02:56 PM

The answer had been authenticated that the cutting of armature shafts will be a legal modicfiation.

#10 Justin A. Porter

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Posted 29 July 2019 - 04:01 PM

Trimming the can side of the armature shaft has been - in general - an "un-teched" area that we have not felt the need to explicitly indicate was legal but thank you for pointing it out as a gray area so that I may write it in as an explicitly legal item. 

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#11 Dave Buchholz

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Posted 29 July 2019 - 04:42 PM

Well that's good news for one side of the shaft. My initial question was more about the endbell side. Do please add clarification for that as well.

#12 Justin A. Porter

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Posted 29 July 2019 - 05:27 PM

To be flatly honest, in going on four years of performing tech at Ohio Challenge Cup races that have used the PS4002FK (GTP or GT1) I don't think I've actually SEEN an armature shaft shortened on the endbell side. 

Most racers have been more concerned with whether or not it was legal to pin or glue the endbell oillite because of the occasional spinner than whether or not they can shave that particular fraction of a rotating gram. 

#13 Dave Buchholz

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Posted 29 July 2019 - 05:55 PM

Maybe it was because they thought that even though it was outside the motor, it was outside the rules.

So clarification would still be in order.

I have shortened every armature I've ever owned since is was 14. I am 67 now. To me, it is normal procedure. Maybe some never thought of it, others do, and therefore as a grey area, it should be resolved within the rules for the future.

...and yes, I am a dog who doesn't let go of the bone easily until whacked with a newspaper on the nose.

#14 Justin A. Porter

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Posted 30 July 2019 - 11:25 AM

It occurs to me to ask if your goal is to adopt our GTP rules verbatim OR if you intend to modify them in some way to better suit this planned New York series? With that in mind, I would also ask if you've looked over the GTP rules of the Flexi National Racing Series as we in the Ohio Challenge Cup are working hard at a gradual rules convergence between the two sanctions.

#15 Dave Buchholz

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Posted 30 July 2019 - 11:56 AM

Thank you for the suggestion. I have not been aware of them, and will take a look.

"Our" differences locally should be minor, and easily overcome on local basis, such as maybe not so many body choices,would front wheels be optional.

Fairly minor stuff, maybe a tech warning to newbies, as to not discourage them in staying in the sport, but "next time, please follow the rules"

Things like that are easy to handle to grow the sport. But if you are a participant in a national event, I can appreciate that the rules were available to everyone beforehand.

#16 Justin A. Porter

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Posted 30 July 2019 - 01:12 PM

Thank you for the suggestion. I have not been aware of them, and will take a look.

"Our" differences locally should be minor, and easily overcome on local basis, such as maybe not so many body choices,would front wheels be optional.

Fairly minor stuff, maybe a tech warning to newbies, as to not discourage them in staying in the sport, but "next time, please follow the rules"

Things like that are easy to handle to grow the sport. But if you are a participant in a national event, I can appreciate that the rules were available to everyone beforehand.

Not so many body choices - the 2019-2020 rulebook will be reducing body count in GTP down from 29 legal bodies to 22, as a preliminary aside given that the 2019-2020 rulebook will be published on August 1st.

Tech warning to newbies - Taken directly from the 2018-2019 rulebook "Technical Director Ruling: Technical Director's ruling on any matter applies over these or any other Rules. The Technical Director may allow, at his sole discretion, a grace period of ONE event after notifying the Member of the needed change."

Front wheels optional - The Ohio Challenge Cup did away with the front wheel requirement in Group 10 and GTP for the 2017-2018 season, with GT1 following suit in 2018-2019. 

#17 Dave Buchholz

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Posted 30 July 2019 - 03:34 PM

My thanks again.

(I found the Florida rules)

#18 Dave Buchholz

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Posted 01 August 2019 - 06:43 AM

As a suggestion, when the 2030 rules get posted, add a link here.

#19 Bill from NH

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Posted 01 August 2019 - 07:05 AM


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#20 Dave Buchholz

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Posted 01 August 2019 - 07:30 AM

Thanks for the correction. Otherwise, I would have been waiting for a long time.

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