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Creating a four-lane track

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#1 Bowdon rambler

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Posted 11 January 2019 - 01:49 AM

I have the Carrera Go 1:43 DTM and I am going to pick up a used 1:43 Formula 1 Carrera Go tomorrow. My daughter and I had so much fun with the first one I bought the second one used to add to it. Both are analog.


I would like to combine the sets to make a four-lane track. I know you can't run two cars on one track in analog. But I would like to lay them out where the lanes curve in ways where the two outside cars went to the inside so that the cars wind up going through about the same set up overall, if that makes sense. I don't want to do any wire changes. I will just plug both controllers to outlets.


Has anyone used that set up and do you have some pics? Thanks!


I'm new here BTW and this Christmas is first time I have had a slot track in 30 years, when I had a Tyco Turbo Hopper track.


Thanks in advance.

Brent Turner

#2 Dave Crevie

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Posted 11 January 2019 - 12:55 PM

Well, it's pretty simple. A figure-8 configuration brings the lane lengths more into parity than any other layout. It doesn't have to be symmetrical, one side can be longer, and have additional curves and features. A King track is essentially a figure 8, the donut being one loop. It also will put the cars that were on the inside at the start line, on the outside for the duration of he opposite loop.


With Carrera sectional track, it won't matter what the track layout is. The lanes will always be electrically continuous. If the lane length is long enough to cause voltage drops (where the cars slow down as they get farther away from the power taps), you will need to add "feeder" wires to the sections farthest away from the power taps. That may become confusing if the track layout is complicated, especially with a four or more lane configuration.


You will find it an advantage to stripe each lane a different color, and only on one side of the slot. That way you can tell which lanes to wire together, and which rail is positive polarity and which is negative. There are plenty of pictures on this site of tracks so you can get an idea on how to do the striping.


Have fun!    

#3 Bowdon rambler

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Posted 11 January 2019 - 06:50 PM

Sounds complicated. I wouldn't think with two cars only being on one circuit I would lose power with the lengths I have. I need to find some curves that will fit together either on inside or outside of G curves to make a four-lane curve so I will research that next.
Brent Turner

#4 Bowdon rambler

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Posted 12 January 2019 - 12:14 AM

I'm not gonna do any wire swapping... I will just run double control boxes but need to figure out some more curves to buy that I can butt up to the ones I have... the straights are easy
Brent Turner

#5 Bowdon rambler

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Posted 12 January 2019 - 05:01 PM

If someone would tell me what curve to use either on the inside or outside of 1/90 curve G for Carrera Go 1:43 I could be on my way to making this track.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
Brent Turner

#6 DaveW


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Posted 18 February 2019 - 12:12 AM

The 2/45 curves fit on the outside of the 1/90. And the 3/45 fit on the outside of the 2/45. You can make a 6 lane track.

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