I like the old Russkit 22/23 type cans for several reasons, and then a modern end bell adds all kinds of reliability and other functional advantages. Case in point, this drag motor for a Blogger:
You get a very light can that is also strong and produces a solid field. Then you add the MUCH improved heat-resistance and better brush hardware of the modern end bell. Here, I did a 21/25R on a .560" diameter blank...so the wind fit easily in three layers.

My favorite 16D motor is a mash-up
Posted 15 May 2019 - 04:40 PM
- slotbaker, Pablo, Peter Horvath and 9 others like this
Posted 15 May 2019 - 08:04 PM
Scream baby, scream!
I love the look of that arm John. Very clean.
- havlicek likes this
Jairus H Watson - Artist
Need something painted, soldered, carved, or killed? - jairuswtsn@aol.com
Check out some of the cool stuff on my Fotki!
Posted 15 May 2019 - 08:19 PM
Very nice craftsmanship John...
- havlicek likes this
Yes, to be sure, this is it...
Posted 16 May 2019 - 05:22 AM
Thanks guys. These cans are really a good way to go for a D motor. With not too much effort, they make for a fully up-to-snuff setup with the modern end bell...in some ways, they seem even better to me than the modern type. ***BTW, this one just happened to be a Johnson, and the metal is slightly thicker than the Mabuchi, but not as thick as the modern cans. After flattening the sides down, it's about the same thickness as the Mabuchi metal before flattening.
Once again, I was faced with a minor dilemma when winding on the .560 lams, and in this case there's an abundance of room (*a nice "problem" to have!). I wanted to hit a maximum of 20-21 turns here, and the reverse wind with three-layer coils once again turned out to be a good solution.
- Geary Carrier likes this
Posted 16 May 2019 - 06:42 AM
Oh and, while I don't use the reverse wind for reasons of lower resistance, and don't think it produces lower resistance coils (*I've never done any actual testing), here resistance is low by #25 single standards, under fifty thousandths of an ohm.